Chapter XXVII

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I sat in the car next a pissed off Mikoto. I was facing the window leaning on my hand. My eyes glance over to her. She was stiff with both hands on the wheel. She looked straight ahead at the road.

"How the hell did you get suspended during one of the last week of school?" Mikoto asked. She didn't even want to look at me.

"I don't know. Maybe by telling my tech teacher he was a creep b word. I suppose that would do it." I said softly.

"Give me your phone." I sigh and hand it to her. "Don't even ask to leave the house." She told me.

"Hey Mikoto?" I call after a couple moments of silence.

"What?" She asked with an annoyed tone.

"I know my father's last name." I tell her. Still not making eye contact. "It's Vince."

"I thought that was your mother's name." She said softly.

"Did you know a product of incest is likely to die young?" I said suddenly. It may have seemed unrelated to our conversation but I think she new where I was going. "They're immune systems are very weak."

"Wait, (Y/n)..." she looked at me and I turn my body to face her. "You don't mean..."

"Yeah exactly." I say. I was slightly disgusted with my existence.

"And you've known this sense the first time we took you to the hospital?" She asked me.

"Yeah I was just embarrassed. That's likely how I got a seventy year old women's decease." I say calmly. Well I was trying to stay calm because I've been sitting on this knowledge for quite some time now. I was just trying to except the inevitable. The next step would be telling Kakashi which would likely make both of us cry.

I wipe my face. "How can you be sure?" She asked. "You could be fine." She told me. She was trying to put confidence in my system but it wasn't gonna work.

"I talked to the doctors. In all honesty I probably don't have long left. That's why I have applied to any colleges or anything." I tell her.

She tears up a little bit. I reach into the glove compartment and hand her some tissues. "How are you so calm?"

"Just because I've already spent so much time worried about how to tell you." I say simply.

She was so busy driving that she couldn't truly go through every emotion she felt and I could see that in her eyes.

"Could you take me dress shopping for prom." I asked softly trying to get her mind off what I'd told her. Maybe she'll stop thinking about it.

"Yeah. Let's go." I could tell she was trying to remain calm just because she was driving and that's it. If she wasn't she probably would be a minute into a hug by now.

After pulling into a parking space she finally got the chance to go through her emotions. She was actually kinda pissed.

"Why didn't you tell me this sooner?!" Mikoto shouted pulling me into a hug. She cried and I tried not to while consoling her.


I stood in front of a mirror wearing a dress Mikoto picked out for me. It was the only one of its kind in the entire store. I slowly open my eyes and look into the mirror. "Woah..." I say shocked.

"What's going on?" Mikoto asked from the outside of the dressing room.

"Come in." I say. I was in awe of the beauty of the dress and how it shaped my body. I loved it even though usually I didn't really care for dresses.

She walk in and her eyes lit up as soon as she looked at me. Her eyes were glued to it as she smiled wildly at me.

"You look beautiful (Y/n)." Mikoto told me. I smirk softly. This dress complements my skintone and makes my eyes sparkle.

"I think this one is it." I tell her. She looks at it.

"Definitely." Mikoto excited prances over to me to stare at me in the mirror. Damn I'm fuckin sexy. And Kakashi would likely agree. Mikoto hugged me tightly and kissed my cheek. "You have to let me do your hair and makeup."

crying for help (KAKASHI HATAKE x BadGirl!reader) - NaurtoWhere stories live. Discover now