Chapter XVII

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I smile at the sun as I hit my back. My eyes where closed. I had folded my arms beneath my head as a cushion. Out of nowhere I hear Obito and Kakashi's voices.

"This isn't a good idea." I heard Kakashi say and immediately after that Obito shushes him. I decide to just ignore them. Suddenly I hear a splashing noise as my back feels wet and water splashes over my sides. My eyes shot open as I stand up quickly letting the cold water flow down my back. I heard another splash of water as I look over at Rin. She screeched and started to shiver after standing up. I look over at the boys and Kakashi was pointing at Obito and Obito was trying to hold back his laughter. My eyebrows pull themselves together and my face becomes my furious.

Obito ran back to the water as fast as he could thinking I wouldn't follow. His eyes widened as my foot placed itself in the water. I run after him as he went further into the water. I finally caught him and grab his shoulders plunging him under water. Kakashi had followed us into the water and he had notice me drowning Obito. He quickly picked me up bridal style and carried me back to the chairs. I struggle in his arms as Rin laughs running to get Obito.

"Lets go to the pool area so sand or salt doesn't get in our eyes." Rin announced and I agree. That's the only thing I don't like about the beach.

We get there and of nowhere Rin comes up with an idea. "We should chicken fight!" Rin said watching Obito jump into the water. I strug jumping in with Obito. The other two jump in. Kakashi snuck under water and I sit on his shoulders. Suddenly he comes up and out of the water and I almost loose balance. One of his hands grip mine and my balance starts to come back. To try and keep me up Kakashi places his hands on my thighs. I look over at Rin and Obito and they aren't looking so balanced. I chuckle as Rin grips my hand and we start to go up against each other. It wasn't that difficult because both of them didn't seem to have too much balance.

After I while my body flies down into the water because Kakashi and I wanted to let them win for a change. Obito's hands shot into the air and because of the lack of support Rin fell backward. Obito smiled pulling her into a hug and kissing her forehead. They're so cute!


It was after curfew or the time that the teacher told us to be back. Kakashi and I had snuck back out without him noticing. I laid in the hammock with my arms wrapped around Kakashi. The sun was starting to set and the mix of warm colors was so beautiful. I look up smiling to him.

I stared at the beauty of the environment being mesmerized by it. I feel Kakashi's soft breathing as his chest moves up and down taking my arm with it. I take a light breath outward. I smile.

"Kakashi..." I call his name softly. His eyes go from the setting sun down to my face. "I'm glad you took me out here." I say thankfully.


I stare off while on a porch sitting in a patio chair. "(Y/n)-chan!" Rin called out. My eyebrows raise as I snap out of my trance. I look at her. She was cute with her hair tied into a messy bun. She wore a white dress that melted into a purple that accented the rectangles on her cheeks. Her eyes were bright and had a certain sparkle today. She dressed me up too. I was very reluctant but she made me. I had a bun and a short black dress. There were stripes crossing over my chest that created a slight design. "You ready?" she asked.

"I still don't know what I should be ready for." I state. She forces me to my feet and makes me walk with her throw what looked like a market place. It had a general store and things like subway but toward the front it had made bracelets, baskets, blankets, and more. It was amazing how they could make these things. I bought a bunch including things like shirts. I even a bag so I could carry it all.

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