66. Differences, Differences

Start from the beginning

"Just please don't do anything stupid...tell that to Rosita too." Alex let's out a laugh as Daryl slightly smiles. "Like riding your bike with a machine gun and attacking the Saviors outside hilltop."

She remembers about a week ago when the Saviors attacked hilltop.

"I did it for us."

"Daryl I know."

He stands there with a questioning look on his face.

"I'm not mad at you, or anything. I guess I'm just probably jealous you were actually doing something where I sat on my ass and did shit."

"You're injured, Lex. It's not like you're scared and hiding from it all."

"Yeah, I know. And it's sucks."

"It does suck." He agrees. Daryl's head turns away, his body rocking back and forth like he's thinking so it a bunch of things at once.

"How are you holding up?"

"Son of bitch Dwight... I spoke to Tara the day after, she was just, blaming herself."

"For what happened with Dwight."

"Told her it wasn't our fault, that he's back with them because it's who he is. Wasn't gonna change, wasn't gonna help us."

Alex stands up and stands in front of Daryl. "Maybe he went back to them for a reason."

"Thought you were gonna hurt him if he decided to turn on us. Did that change?" He asks, shaking his head. "Tara and you.. think he's changed. Think he's with us or something.

"I'm not sure what to think anymore. Just when I think I'm getting closer to figuring it all out, I'm lost. I'm lost Daryl."


Our heads turn to Rosita's voice back at the gates. Daryl waves at her and then takes a step towards Alex. "I get back, we'll talk more alright?"

"Yeah. Just be careful. You're about to walk back into territory where you were kept and taken from us. From me. I love you, okay?"

He leans in, grabbing her left hand and then using his other hand to grab the back of her neck, pulling her into him.

"Love ya."

"See you." Alex says, closing her eyes once she feels his lips linger on her forehead.

"See ya."

He looks at Alex one last time before he walks away to the front gates of Hilltop, with Rosita. She thought about no matter how far away she had began feeling with Daryl, nothing will replace the feeling of how she feels when he kisses her. Even if it's just for a second or a 'goodbye'.

The moment he leaves, she turns around and stalks back right into the trailer that her and Daryl had shared. Kicking of her boots, she jumps in to the small bed and takes the letter out of her pocket.

Alex takes a breath and begins opening the letter slowly, not sure if she was ready just yet to read it.

But, she does.

Back at the prison, when Daryl and Michonne had saved you, I wasn't thrilled. Sounds harsh, I know. But I was just a kid who was trying to protect the family he had left. But soon enough, you became that family.
You always called me kid. Even when I continued to grow, the nickname stuck. Not going to say I loved it, but I'm not going to say I hated it either.
When the time comes, I'm gonna need you to be there for my dad. For Michonne and for Daryl. For everyone. We all know you can, because the world is going to need people like you but you just don't know it yet.
Fight for what's right. Glenn would want you to move on. He would want you to go with your gut no matter what you'll lose or who you'll lose. And I know you're probably thinking about  Daryl. But you have to just step back and think about what you want.
Killing Negan... we shouldn't have to do that. That's not us anymore.  anymore.
It may hurt, it may suck to keep losing everyone. I lost my family, I lost all of you guys. But for what it's worth, we're going to have to go through pain to see some change.

Confide in Hope | DARYL DIXON •2Where stories live. Discover now