"Wait what, you don't have a phone right now?" I looked down as I realized how bad I'd messed up. It all made sense, the messages from twitter, no answer to any of my calls or messages. The only thing that didn't click was the talking to someone else part. "And wait, then who texted me saying you were talking to someone else? This is all so fucked up." I said as I checked my phone to reopen the message.

"I don't know, people do that sometimes here, I guess someone from the school saw us and they just had to mess it up for me like always." She sighed. "And no, I don't have a phone right now, I'm sorry about that but I mean it isn't exactly my fault."

In an instant, I felt an immense amount of guilt, I'd hurt her so badly, and all cause I was a stupid asshole. "Look, Naomi, I'm really sorry, I misjudged you and I thought you were messing with me and I got jealous and mad, I'm sorry if I hurt you, I really really am." I couldn't even look at her, I was so ashamed of myself.

I saw her take a deep breath and sit down, "It's okay I guess, but next time please just talk to me, I'm not good with stress and stuff, clearly...I just, I want this to work please, don't give up on me so soon." Those last words shattered my heart, had I really hurt her that bad?

"I promise I won't, I mean i haven't given up on you, I'm just...I'm really really sorry Nay..." I finally grasped the courage to look at her face. "I guess, I have to make it up to you now huh?" I tried to lighten the mood.

"Yeah, I guess you do huh?" She responded with a small smile.

"So, how about we repeat that second yet first official first date?" I got up and stretched out my arms.

"Right now?" She said and paused to look up at the sky, "You do realize it's about to start pouring right?"

"So what? C'mon the trees will be our umbrella" I responded.

"Oh really?"

"Yes, and if you get wet its just a bit of water, it's fine." I could tell she was hesitating.

"Okay, fine, but if I get sick it's all on you and you better bring me soup and candy and soft blankets—"

"Alright, alright IF you get sick which you won't but okay, I promise. So shall we?" I grabbed her hand and started walking.

Naomi's POV

A sense of relief hit my body, everything was alright, but something still bothered me, who would text Mena saying I'm talking to someone else, it didn't make sense. My thoughts were interrupted by Mena.

"Hey, everything alright? You seem...distracted." He said worried. I quickly smiled.

"Nope all good, just kind of tired that's all."

"You sure?" He asked.

"Yup, very sure."

"Okay whatever you say, oh we're here." He said excitedly as he stopped me from walking.

"Here?" I asked confused.

"Yeah, remember the tree?" He asked as he went ahead and climbed it. I had really been distracted the entire walk because I hadn't even noticed the giant tree right in front of me, or maybe it was just the fact that I'd forgotten my glasses. I grabbed Mena's hand to climb up and sit next to him.

"The view from up here never ceases to amaze me." I said as I took a breath of fresh air.

"Yeah, it's alright, but I prefer the view of the person sitting next to me, way more beautiful." He said as we locked eyes.

I could feel the butterflies in my stomach going crazy, I was definitely head over heels for this guy. Out of the blue, a lightning bolt startled me. "Wow did you see that?" I said as I jumped scared, causing me to almost slip off the side of the branch I was sitting on.

Rapidly, Mena grabbed me by the hand and held me in place. "Wow that was a close one, I don't really want anyone dying while I'm around." He said and giggled, but I could see the scared expression he made.

"Well, I'm going to die if I don't get my clumsy butt out of here cause this girl doesn't enjoy lighting storms or thunder. I mean this doesn't really seem like the safest place to be at right now." I responded as my eyes wondered until I felt his hand reach for mine.

"I'm not going to let anything happen to you Nay." He said in a more serious tone, kind of like we were talking about something else rather than me falling from a tree.

"Oh okay, because I was this close to asking you to kiss me so that if I did die, I didn't die upset or something." I said and looked up.

"Well, maybe I should, you know, just in case."He responded as our eyes met like they did that first time. Once again our lips collided until I broke the kiss with a smile.

"Okay, now I can die." I said and giggled.

"We should probably head back though, it's getting late and it really might just rain on us if we don't."

"Alright, let's go."

He helped me get down from the tree and we headed over to my house. As we both assumed started to rain, leaving us both soaked.

"So, this is your stop" he said as it poured on us.

"Yup. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"First thing" He shouted with a smile.

I walked over to my doorstep and looked back, there he stood all soaked yet, there were zero imperfections. Running back to him I planted a small peck on his lips. "You're amazing" I said as I opened the door and ran inside. I was startled to find my parents looking out the window.

"Mom?" I asked confused. "What are you two doing?"

"Uh nothing..." She responded as her and my dad quickly ran back to the kitchen.

"Were you spying on us?"

"Naomi please, we are your parents, we were simply watching over you guys so we were sure you didn't get struck by lightning or anything." She said and my dad followed. "Yeah, what she said."

I rolled my eyes and went upstairs. "Okay, so you were spying, not cool mom and dad."

"Oh stop it, you were kissing in my driveway that's what's not cool. Now go get changed before you get sick." I heard my dad shout from downstairs.



Okay, so kind of a longer update. What do you guys think?

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Love you guys

tw: NayScotts

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