2. A wish during midnight

Start from the beginning

“Kate,” he greets with a melodic voice.

“Jupiter,” I greet back to him as he kisses the air in front of both my cheeks.

“It’s getting close now,” he continues. “Your birthday is next week. You must prepare to convince Alpha Eon.”

I put my hand on my chest, just above the heart as the panic grips me. What if it doesn’t work? What if the Alpha doesn’t listen to the Wolf Spirit’s wishes? They usually don’t sense what they are supposed to do. I’m terrified that I’ll be stuck here for the rest of my life.

It’s not a bad place to live. I love this Island to pieces, but I live here against my will. My family might never find me here. I miss them so much. I must see them again. 

“You will see them again,” Jupiter assures me with a gentle smile. “You will return home and bond with your mate.”

“And if I can’t convince her?” I whisper unsure.

“You fulfilled your purpose here,” is all he says and starts walking away from me again. He dissolves into the wind, but I know he is here and always watching over me.

The purpose, yes. I just wonder what I need it for.

I decide to make my way back before Susan starts worrying about me. I feel sorry for the woman who doesn’t know what kind of man she married. John is a respected doctor in this Pack, so he’s considered quite a catch and she’s so proud to be his wife.

I have my freedom here and I don’t want to risk him taking me somewhere else. That’s why I can’t tell anyone my real identity. Firstly, they wouldn’t believe me and secondly it would just make the rumours about me worse than they already are. 

Knowledge is power and he still thinks that I come from the Sunshiny Pack. If only he knew the truth. He would be scared if he knew my strong connections with the Wolf Spirits. Every Ninjan werewolf is taught from birth how to communicate with the Wolf Spirits. Most of the werewolf population doesn’t even understand a thing how it all works. Rosalea doesn’t have a clue and that is to my advantage.

I drag my feet and sigh deeply. If only I didn’t have a family. Then I’d happily live with just the Wolf Spirits as company. The Wolf Spirits are like a drug to me. I constantly need their presence to live on.

I leave the beach and enter the flower filled meadow. I know every name of the greenery and what they can be used for. The Wolf Spirits told me to study herbal medicine carefully and so I did. Hundreds of different flowers are growing on this Island and my heart warms up when I look at them.

The nature here is natural compared to the fantastic gardens in the Ninjan Pack. I will miss this place when I leave. I will never return so I force myself to take in all the wonderful scents and scenery of my prison.

I pick up my basket from the ground. It is filled with seashell flowers; small blue flowers that are very strong medicine for the heart and bloodstream. They only grow on tropical islands like this one.

I know pretty much everything that is needed to be known for a tropical herbalist. I will put this knowledge into good use when I return to the Ninjan Pack. Everyone on Rosalea’ are skilled in this area, so it’s not a big deal for us.

You could say that I have a small identity crisis, but I’m mostly like a Rosalea. I lived here for fourteen years after all. That’s a horrible long time. I don’t remember much from before I came here, but my family members are still intact in my memory.

Starley, Mitchell, Princess, Tom and Mary Ray. I am Kate Ray The Little One.

I chant it often to myself so I won’t forget.

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