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I had came into 'The Drunken Paradise' for a few more drinks before quitting entirely. I already had four drinks before it reached night, and I was a bit drunk after the other two had joined my system.

I was babysitting this one drink before finishing the drink. After I had sat there looking down into my empty glass, I was thinking about my past life before I started for a whole new chapter of my life. My thoughts were interrupted by the bartender.

" Sir are you alright?," She asked as I slowly rose my head and I looked into her deep brown eyes, I was mesmerized by the woman in front of me from the beautiful glow of her skin to the silk that came from her mouth that was her voice.

" I'm fine, may I please have another drink?," I asked coming from my trance and slowly sliding my glass to her.

" It's closing time, I can't give out anymore drinks. Do you have anyone that can come pick you up? If not I have money for you a cab or Uber depending on where you live. " She said and I slowly sat back still staring down into his my glass deep in though thinking of who could come get me but I drew a blank.

" I live in the hills. 4567 Melvbroke road." I said while keeping my eyes on her now, not wanting to look away from her beauty.

" That's pretty far out, do you have anyone that could pick you up?, " She asked and I lowly shook my head before answering.

" No, my best friend is at work and I couldn't possibly have him leave work to help me. Plus I don't want you to have to spend your money to help me get home, I can just walk. " I said with a small shrug, I've bugged Jordan enough with my dumb drunk antics. I'd have to do this on my own.

" Do you know how far the hills are from here? It'll take hours for you to get there and what I'm about to say is against my better judgment but...I'm gonna take you home. I'm going to finish cleaning up then we're going, and just know my dad is a war vet and I know how to kill you in a matter of seconds in ten different ways. " She said sounding serious but looking so cute at the same time and all I could do is nod with a small grin.

She had taken his glass cleaning it out, and started to clean up the bar and tables. She had started to put on her things and I slowly had rose and she had me follow her outside while she locked up the place.

" Come on, my car is just around here. " She said helping me over to her car and unlocking it and sitting me down before getting in herself.

"4567 Melvbroke Rd." She repeated her herself before typing it in and getting directions before we drove off.

I don't know what it was about this woman that really drew me in, but at times I'd pretend to be looking around at the view to just catch glances of her beauty.

I know I've never met this woman before, but it was something about her that gave me déjà vu.

Before I knew it we were at my home, she had gotten out and helped me to the door and I just pushed it open. She carried me inside and sat me onto the couch.

" Thank you so much.."

" Sonya. My name is Sonya." She said with a small grin.

" Thank you Sonya. "

" You're welcome..."

" Trayton. My name is Trayton. " I said with a small grin back at her.

" You're welcome Trayton, have a good night. "

" You too Sonya. "

I said before she left out and I heard a car drive off, and then that's when it felt like my breath of fresh air just vanished. My heart felt heavy again, and I felt empty.

It at least felt good to be able to breath again, even if it was for seconds.

Thank you Sonya for teaching me how to breath again.

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