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I awake to the sound of heels clicking around the bedroom, I sit up watching my wife Samantha pace around our bedroom with tears cascading down her cheeks and I sigh and ran my hand over my face.

" What's the problem now?, " I asked and she finally stopped and faced me.

" I'm leaving you, I can't do this anymore. I've tried and tried with you, but it never gets better the dreams are getting worse. Plus we loss Randle, all because you're a drunken mess. I'm tired of this Trayton! I need something new and someone different. " She said as my whole body tensed and my stare was hard and cold.

" You're my wife god damnit! You're supposed to stay by my side no matter what! We're supposed to be a team and what after five years you want to leave!?, " I yelled angrily as I stood to be face to face with her, she had kept her head up keeping her composure.

"I've been seeing a man, his name is Curtis and I'm pregnant with his child. He is an incredible man, and he will be an incredible father better than your sorry ass was and I can promise you that. I'll have the papers sent to you, don't hurt yourself. Goodbye. " She said without hesitation and walked out the room and a few moments later I heard the door close and a car drive off.

That's when I lost it, I began yelling and smashing things. Punching holes into the wall before falling to the ground in tears as my heart carried pain. I had lost everything I had, first my son from my own drunken mistakes then my wife the last piece of my support system that I had.

I am man no more, just a hollow shell of what use to be. I needed to drown out this pain, I needed to forget this hurt that harbored in my heart.

I get dressed and get into my car driving to 'Jack's Pub'. I go inside and take my seat at the bar.

" Two Dirty Martini's, Two Beers and Three Fireballs. " I said as the man behind the counter nodded and began to make the drinks, I looked at my hand slowly twisting the cold metal ring I had upon my finger.

I had taken it off setting it next to me, just as my first beer rolled in and knew it was going to be a blurry night.

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