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I gave off a small laugh while Trayton ate, I mean I've seen him eat before but just watching him devour the grits on the plate I just sat down after him looking skeptically at them for about a good five minutes, was just funny to me.

" You said these are called what again? " He asked swallowing down the spoonful he just ate.

" Grits. "

" Grits. I'll have to go out and buy some because these are absolutely delicious along with everything else on the plate, but these grits are so far my favorite. " He said with a  grin before going back to the plate.

" I'm glad you enjoy the food. " I said and we exchanged small glances between each other with smiles making my cheeks warm, and I felt like I was in high school all over again with a crush.

After eating we went straight to studying and revisiting some things from yesterday to keep it all on track. While I write down the notes on the notecards to study from, I feel those beautiful eyes on me. I turn to Trayton having him looking at me and I could tell he was wondering something.

" What is it Trayton?, " I asked softly.

" What is what? " He asked pretending to be confused.

" What is it that you're wondering? "

" Have you ever done this before? "

" What do you mean by 'this' " I asked now confused.

" Have a man that just met you and barely knows anything about want to know everything about you within the span of a few days, without even trying? " He asked making me give a small shy grin and looking away knowing how hard I was ready to start smiling.

" Trayton come on now you're going to have me over here as hot as fire. " I admitted with a small chuckle.

" I'm sorry, it's just you've really been on my mind a lot and I really want to get the chance to know you–just to know everything about you. " He said with shining eyes and a grin that made me want to jump on him like prey.

" Dinner after graduation, just you and I. " I spoke.

" 'Le Fionte's? " He spoke with a small smirk on his lips.

" It's a date. "

I finished out with a small smirk playing on my lips as well, where did this new found confidence appear from? How could I keep it as well?

Studying went well as usual, we ended our night with a hug and Trayton told me when he gets home he'll give me a call. I gave a confident 'alright' but after he left I squealed like a school girl and ran upstairs waiting by my phone.

I texted Ortiz about the whole ordeal and asked him to help me find something for the dinner, to which he replied.


Boo you know I love you and all but none of those old rags called dress will do, tomorrow we're going shopping girlie so be ready at 7am on the dot! ❤️

I laughed at the message, and replied with an alright.

It's been a few hours and still nothing from Trayton.
I was worried and sent a text first.

Hey Tray, are you home yet?

I was anxiously waited for his reply with my leg bouncing at lighting speed, until I hear that 'ping!' making me quickly check the message.


I'm giod  just bisy right now. See upu in the morning

I was utterly confused, mostly at the misspellings like he was rushing or something and text me? He said he'd call.
I still had his address on my maps, I was worried maybe he went out drinking again. I wanted to go and check on him making sure he was alright.

I quickly grabbed my keys and put on my slides, and got in my car rushing to his house. I parked out front and ran up to the door about to call for him until I heard a loud moan.

I look into the window that had the curtain opened and it was a woman on top of him while he kissed her chest. I backed away with my chest quickly going up and down and I felt the tears starting to fill my eyes.

I quickly ran back to my car getting in and driving off.

Just when I want to try again I get another slap to the face. I needed to talk to someone, I needed to talk to him. I wouldn't usually visit this late at night, but I had no other option.

I made my way through the cemetery and sat in front of his grave. ' Here lies Nathaniel 'Nate' Marie '

" Hello Sir. I–I already know what you'd say if you were here right now with me. ' You are a Soilder! You are Strong! You don't need that chump! ' I know, but I wanted to try and find myself some type of happiness. I know I shouldn't have tried with a man I met at a bar. I was so stupid. " I said with a dry chuckle shaking my head.

" He just seemed different, but you always told me ' these guys are just dogs looking for a bone ' You were right, but I'm not that bone. I've kept my heart guarded for so long ever since you left, and now I promise to keep it that way. I came into this world alone and that's how I'll go out. "

I don't need anymore heartbreak, I'm staying guarded.

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