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When she left, she was all I could think about. The way she smiled, the way she glowed, how kind and gentle she was with me. She obviously knew I was drunk but she didn't treat me how Samantha treated me, she didn't put me down, yelling and telling me how worthless I was she wasn't rough with me. She didn't throw me around, she didn't leave me on the porch telling me how much she hated me for all the neighbors to hear.

She didn't even know me, but yet she treated me with such–such care. She made me smile and I haven't been able to do that in a long time, she made me feel so nervous and flustered. My feelings were all over the place and I needed to tell someone Jordan about it.

I knew that he was probably asleep right now, so I decided to clean while I wait. I cleaned up my room and the hall when I seen it was five-thirty it was around the time he'd be up I had called him and told him to come over and I waited for a while until I heard the knock on the door.

I had quickly opened the door ushering him inside.

" Woah, what's going on?, " He asked.

" It's something about a girl." I said and he jumped over the couch sitting down on it.

" Well what are you waiting for come on! Tell me about her! " He said and I quickly came around sitting and explaining it to him.

I told him everything down to the smallest detail and his face looked very shocked once I finished.

" Her name was what again?," He asked.

" Sonya. " I said with a fools smile.

" Oh. hold on I have to go call Ortiz and remind him to pick up my suit from the dry cleaners and a few other personal things. " He said and quickly got up and went to the bathroom while I sat there waiting.

I sat there thinking about her all good things until the bad from my subconscious started flowing in.

She couldn't possibly want you look at your arm, it may look real but under all of that it's just a fake.

If Samantha couldn't take you what makes you think she'd want you?

You're just a washed up dud! Why are you even trying at this point?

She's gonna leave you just like Samantha did.

No one will ever love you!

I thought as they started to get to me, and I pondered on them. I'm damaged goods so who really could love me? She looks like she's got everything all together, who am I to drag her down?

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