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I awake to my quiet apartment, the suns rays beaming into my room. I quietly yawn before getting up, letting my feet touch the carpet I take off my bonnet running my fingers through my hair. I was enjoying my moment of peace before it was interrupted by my best friend opening my bedroom door.

" Good Morning! A bad bitch has come to awaken thee. See what I said Shakespeare ain't got shit on me." He said with a smile and I laughed rolling my eyes before standing.

" Good Morning Ortiz, thank you for trying to wake me up. " I said before heading into the bathroom as he followed.

" I still don't understand how you can work two jobs, nor do I understand why you do it chica. I told you, you can move in with Jordan and I all you have to do is provide groceries. " He said with a shrug while I brushed my teeth and I had spat out the toothpaste and rinsed my mouth before answering.

" Thank you so much for the offer, but I rather not hear you hootin' and hollerin' for Jesus and God all night long and every night at that. Also I have to pay for my car along with college tuition."

" Once I get my Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree. I'll be able to get a better job than working at 'The Drunken Paradise' & 'Chick-fil-a'. " I said as I finished washing my face and I started to comb out my hair before starting to put it in a sleek ponytail.

" Okay because you're not about to do me- "

" My bad Jordan already does that right?, " I asked as I started to put on my uniform while he glared at me.

" As I was saying, you know I can help you out with all of those payments. I literally have money to throw away Yaya. You don't have to work at those Rinky-Dink fast food restaurants. " He said with a sigh., while I passed him to put on my shoes.

" Everybody has to start somewhere Ortiz, I appreciate how you're trying to help but I wanna get it on my own. Now I'm off to my Rinky-Dink fast food restaurant to work before having to go to the bar afterwards. Love you, I'll see you tomorrow for our best friend spa day. " I said and hugged him.

" Alright, love you too and remember the offer will always stay on the table. " He said as we both walked out the door.

" I know, thank you Titi. " I said with a smile and waved at him before getting in the car and driving off.

You know what they say 'Another day another nickel.'

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