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| Now I know lil nas x is Nassir's man but at the moment he finna be a character in my book's man. Jordan ^ |


I smiled talking to all my guest that came to my house warming party, I thanked them for coming and we had small conversations regarding work and future plans to go out together. I was in the middle of talking when it was a knock on the door.

" I got it. " Ortiz said and I thanked him and waited to see who would come in and it was Jordan and he looked up giving me a grin.

I sighed giving him a small smile back, I looked at who trailed behind him and there he was in front of my eyes again, he walked in as his ocean eyes danced around the room before they landed on me and to say those waves in his eyes landed with a crash was an understatement.

It felt as though I was hit with a tsunami diving deeper in deeper within those jagged waters unable to get air.

I had to keep moving though or I'd drown. That's when my feet started carrying me towards him and I started to get closer and closer to the dry land. The closer I got to him the higher I went and I kept going and going until finally, my head was above water and I could breath again.

" Hi, " I managed to speak.

" Hi, " He replied with a small grin.

" How are you?, " I asked playing with the ring on my finger nervously watching his small movements.

" I'm–okay. . . How are you doing though?, " He asked stuffing his hands in his pockets now gazing over me.

" I'm–good. . . really good, thank you for asking. " I responded before it was a deep silence between the two of us which was soon interrupted by Ortiz and Jordan.

" Come here I need you to help me bring out the other trays of food. " Ortiz said pulling me along with him to the kitchen before closing the the doors to the kitchen giving us privacy.

" Okay so there is no more food to bring out because Jordan and I already got it, but I see you out there with Trayton and you're a nervous wreck. " He said making me give off a deep sigh.

" I don't know what I would talk to him about Ortiz, and it's very awkward to see him again after what happened. I thought I was ready to see him again but I can't. " I admitted in frustration.

" Why is it so hard Sonya?, " Ortiz asked as if he was oblivious to the situation at hand.

" Its so hard because I still have feelings for him alright! I still feel like he's the one, and I want to be there to heal him and love him all in one go, but I'm afraid Ortiz! I'm afraid that I'll get hurt, I'm afraid that If she comes back he'll run into her arms and I'll be alone. I know you'll say ' you're still young ' I know I'm young but I don't want to be searching for the rest of my life for someone that makes me feel how he does. "

" He hasn't even touched me and we never even shared a kiss but yet I want him, I want to hold him and never let go. I want to be by his side when he's going through something, I want to be his rock Ortiz. I want to be the one there for him to make him know he's loved. " I finished with an exasperated sigh to see Ortiz in tears.

" You get all that Jordan?, " He asked sniffling.

" Every word!, " I heard him cry out before Ortiz pulled the phone from his pocket.

" You Trayton?, " Ortiz asked and my heart dropped.

He heard that? Oh god no.

" Yeah. . . and I want to talk. "

That's when my stomach filled with butterflies.

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