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I smiled at the first how I've ever bought and sold to my best friend. I smile as we drove down my old neighborhood and remembered all the times I had with my family.

I remembered playing in the yard in the summer, water splashing everywhere while we played. I remembered the store Cason and I would go to when we skipped school.

I remembered the first time I met Ortiz at the school park on Saturday and Cason let us play all day long. It was so many good memories here I hat outweighs the bad that I've been through.

This is where Mama and Pops started their journey. Born in Detroit, Michigan moved here to California as young adults and made something of themselves.

Now it's time to start my own journey.

" I'll miss y'all so much. I'll make sure to call everyday. " I said as tears streamed down my cheeks while I held onto Jordan and Ortiz.

" You better. " I heard Jordan sniffle out while Ortiz just cried on my shoulder.

I smiled and held onto him tight while hugging his and Ortiz mom and dad. I heard it was boarding time and I pulled away from Ortiz wiping away his tears.

I gave him a sad smile before holding out my pinky.

" I know it's a sad moment so cry your tears... "

I recited and he held out his pinky before linking it with mine.

" But no matter what I will always have you near. "

" No matter how many miles I'm far away..."

" I know your heart is always here to stay. " He finished before we gave each other one last hug before I went and handed the man my ticket.

I had gotten it and waved to them before getting on, I put my bags away and took my seat. After a while the plane had started to take off and I closed my eyes slowly breathing in and out.

Goodbye California and Hello New York.

𝖬𝖤𝖫𝖵𝖡𝖱𝖮𝖪𝖤 𝖱𝖮𝖠𝖣.  | Original StoryWhere stories live. Discover now