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You don't ever say forever laying next to me
But nights like this I wish I never said that I was free

Free by H.E.R plays through my speakers as I laid in my bed. I don't know why I was so hurt, I barely even know this man, but yet I was infatuated by him. Was it because I haven't had a man interested in me so long, or better yet me feel any need to be interested in getting a man.

How could I be so stupid? I was going after a broken man with obvious issues! but. . . yet we are both broken with issues, mine not apparent to the naked eye as his were.

I put on this act pretending like I got it all together, I help others resolve there issues and put forth my energy into them and take care of them, but in the end who's going to take care of me?

Who's going to care about Sonya?

No one that's who.

" Sonya come on get up. " Jordan said coming by the side of my bed and I gave him a scowl before turning on my side trying to ignore his presence.

" Come on you can't be mad at me forever, you know I only had the best intentions for you. I knew Trayton for a long time and I didn't expect him to be that type of guy. You yourself even said you weren't together so what does it matter. " He said with a sigh and I just stayed quiet.

" I knew I shouldn't have sent you up here to get her, you obviously don't see it from her point of view. Come on Yaya I got you some food and your favorite movie playing downstairs waiting on you. " Ortiz said now coming over to my side and I gave him a sigh.

" I'll be down in a minute. " I told him.

" Okay, I'm gonna go down and make sure everything is perfect enough for you. " He said with a smile making me grin a bit before he left out going downstairs.

I sat up and looked at Jordan standing by the doorway.

" I'm sorry for what I said, T is right I don't see it from your point of view. I know what I said was really insensitive at a time like this, but I just want you to know that I'm sorry you got hurt. "

" I swear if I knew that something like this would happen I would have never told him to ask you out that day when he admitted to liking you. I just wanted you both to be happy and I thought you'd find that in each other. . ." Jordan finished with a sigh and I walked over pulling him into a tight hug as he hugged back.

" I know that your intentions were good, but you're not a very good matchmaker. Next time let me find my own happiness. " I said and we pulled away sharing a laugh.

" Alright I promise to fall back. "

" Good, now out of my way I gotta eat! " I said and pushed him out the way with a laugh before rushing to eat.


I smiled brightly at all the pictures taken at my graduation whilst putting them up around my new home. Might I also add this is my first home I've bought! Yes you heard that right a female, scratch that a black woman just bought her first house located around this hills from her first paycheck as a NURSE!

After that day of setback I started to hit the books myself, making sure to keep my focus on my goals. I studied hard and when the test came, I passed with flying colors.

Graduation was amazing, I had Ortiz's mother and father there with me along with him & his siblings. Jordan came with his mothers and I had them there to cheer me on as I walked the stage.

After that we went out for a celebratory dinner and had a small party afterwards. . .but I still felt like someone was missing, someone I shouldn't even think about, someone that I should despise right now. 

Yet I couldn't bring myself to it.

I understand that we are humans and all humans make mistakes, we were only barely talking and plus he just divorced this woman and they've been together for years from what I've been told.

They had a child. They were inseparable until Trayton's habits got the best of them. He's a damage man, he's lost a lot and went through so much pain because of it.

I um. . . I haven't heard from him since that incidence which is without a doubt on me because in that fit of anger I had towards him I changed my number. So if he tried to get in contact I never received it.

When I see him again, I'd still stick by my choice of staying guarded, but not forever.

He'll have to work for my heart if he wants it.

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