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I quickly climbed into the shower and answered Jordan's call and I felt like I already knew what he was going to say.

" Hello," I whispered.

" Did you know that Sonya and Trayton met and that he might actually like her." He whispered back.

" I just found out about it from Yaya, but Jojo I don't think that they should be together. You know I love Yaya to death and I want her to be happy but you know Trayton he's been through a lot he suffers from PTSD, he's also really insecure about his arm, he lost his son in a car crash because he was drunk not to mention his wife had left him. I don't think he's stable enough to start dating especially to date Sonya. " I whispered.

" Ortiz, I think Yaya might be the best person for him. She could straighten him out and fix him up, not as rebound. Maybe they could get together, I'd never put her in a situation that I think would cause her any harm and you know that. She's been single since high school, she could use a new guy in the love department. " He said.

" Oh trust me I definitely know she needs a man, but a man with all that baggage is not the guy for her. I know you're just tryna find someone good for Trayton, but Sonya is completely off limits. " I said shaking my head.

" Baby she's a grown woman she can make her own decisions and from the way, Tray is telling me about her it seems like she might like him too. Let's just give them the push to try it out but after that we back away and let them do their own thing. " He said as I sighed.

" Alright, but should we tell them that we know each other?,"

" No, they'll find out eventually and when they do I can't wait to see their reactions. " He said with a laugh, and I just smiled shaking my head.

" I'll see you at home. " I said.

" Alright love you baby seen you then. "

" Love me too, okay bye." I said with a laugh and quickly hung up before getting up and getting out of the tub.

I had regained my composure before coming out to see Sonya on the bed knocked out, I just smiled and put the covers over her before getting on her bed and turning YouTube on her tv.

I really hope I'm doing the right thing for you Sonya.

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