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|3:20am |

I walk into my apartment turning on the lamp lights with a tired sigh before walking to the kitchen flipping on the light.  I see a pizza on the counter and a note on top of it.

I knew you'd probably work overtime and you wouldn't feel like cooking so I got you pizza from your favorite place, I'll call you in the morning when I come and get you. – Love Titi ❤️

I grin opening the box taking a slice out before grabbing the whole box taking it to my room, I sat it on my bed and finished eating the slice I took before going to get into the shower. I sighed as the warm water hit my body, my tense bones loosened while I rolled my neck around.

I sigh and wash up before getting out brushing my teeth, and doing my nightly skin routine and making sure my bonnet was on tight before getting into bed.

I laid there for a moment before drifting off.

I yawn and waking up to the smell of breakfast, before climbing out of bed and made my way to the door opening it.

" Babe! You're awake, I was trying to surprise you with breakfast in bed but looks like you've beat me to it." I heard the voice say with a laugh, but it was almost like the persons voice was being masked by an effect or something., it sounded too deep to be real.

I walked into the kitchen, his back was to me he was shirtless but had on grey sweatpants. From this back profile I could see he was strongly built, I just wanted to see his face.

I took steps closer to him, he continued to cook I was just about to reach out and turn him around.

Then Boom!

I had sat up breathing heavily, I looked over to my door to see it was none other than Ortiz.

" Hey Boo!- Wait you Alright?," He asked concerned sitting on my bed and I nodded.

" Are you sure, you're sweating bullets. " He said looking at me looking more worried by the moment.

" Yeah, I'm fine. When you had slammed the door open it scared me out of my sleep. " I said blowing it off as I sat up and grabbed my inhaler taking a few puffs.

" I'm so sorry Yaya, I was just excited and then I busted in as usual and then the door just slammed-, " He said looking as if he was about to come to tears and I know he just did his makeup and I did not want him to mess it up over me.

I grabbed my fan and opened it fanning his face.

" I just felt a little out of breath, it's not your fault. I was having a nightmare anyways, you just helped me wake up. " I lied trying to calm him down.

" Really?, " He asked sniffling.

" Yes really, now I'm gonna go get ready. You pick out my outfit alright?, " I asked and he nodded before going over to my closet and I went in to the bathroom closing the door and put my back onto the door.

Who was that man from my dream?

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