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^Malakai Ramsey

I had walked into work the next day with an even better attitude than usual, I greeted the patients and colleagues with a wide smile. I was just about to go to my patients room and switch out to be the nurse a little earlier than usual until I was stopped my the head doctor.

Mrs. Sanchez and she had a nice looking and nicely built man along with her, and I greeted them both accordingly.

" Good morning Ms. Marie, this is doctor Malakai Ramsey. He's new to the hospital and I'd decided to appoint you as the one to help him get settled. " She said kindly.

" What about my patient Mr.Clark?, " I asked.

" I'll have Nadine take over while help out Mr. Ramsey here. For this task you'll be paid double for these next two weeks you'll be assisting him. " She said and I nodded agreeing.

After that we have taken off walking and I showed him around the hospital and we ended at the cafeteria, mostly because I was hungry.

" So what did you think of everything? You didn't say a word the whole time. " I said as we sat and had lunch.

Yes walking around that entire damn hospital had took so long it was now time for lunch.

" I was much more enjoying the view of your beauty Ms. Marie, it was quite more intriguing than seeing almost the exact same rooms more than once. " He said and we shared a laugh.

" Thank you, but you should've been focusing on the tour instead of the person giving the tour. " I playfully scolded before biting into my sandwich.

" I mean I couldn't help it, your beauty overshadow's everything and everyone. " He said complimenting again and I looked at him before giving off a laugh after swallowing my food.

" Thank you once again, but your flirting attempts are futile. I'm actually talking to a man that I like a lot and I wouldn't want to ruin that. " I spoke truthfully.

" You say talking, not dating. So since you are technically still single, I was wondering if maybe you'd want to go out with me for breakfast on Saturday. " He asked with a million dollar smile, his smile was nice yes but it wasn't enough to put me under his spell.

" I'm talking to him which means we are building up to something and just because you come in Mr. Ramsey thinking that any girl will fall for you because you have a pretty face then you're quite wrong. Also it's unprofessional to mix business with romance. " I said now annoyed a bit from his pushy attempts.

" Oh a challenge, I like it. " He said making me roll my eyes and get up walking out with lunch.

" Lost my appetite come on let's go pretty boy, gotta show you how to do certain things around here. " I said walking fast having him run along behind me.

It was the end of the day and I walked out with Malakai laughing at a joke he told before I waved goodbye to him before he walked over to his sports car unlocking it and getting in shooting me a smile before driving off.

After our little encounter at lunch he apologized and insisted that he was only joking around and he seemed sincere so I accepted it. The rest of the tour went alright, told a few jokes here and there shared a few laughs nothing big.

I had noticed Trayton stood outside of his car looking at me seeming annoyed, I walked over to him and went in for a hug before he moved out the way and just opened the door for me.

I shook it off and got into the car to have him slightly slam the door. He got in himself and it became quiet, when I tried to talk he just turned up the music and that's what pissed me off.

I scoffed and bounced my leg while looking out of the window, we had gotten back to his place and he unlocked the door and went inside.

I went straight to the kitchen and grabbed my keys from the counter before walking past him.

" Where are you going Sonya?, " He called and followed me outside.

" Home. " I replied before getting in my car before starting it up and driving off.

I looked in my mirror to see him standing there head hung low watching me drive off before walking off.

I sighed focusing on the road making sure to make it home safe before calling Ortiz over.

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