"Hobi let me out!" Hyuna yelled.

"No I know what your intentions are! You're helping her out!" He yelled back

"You're treating Her like the bad guy." Hyuna said

Jhope stopped in his steps and looks up at the guys struggling with Lana and lanie.

Yoongi who was the strongest guy still couldn't seem to hold her down. Lana bit him and punched him in the jaw while yoongi pushed her body to the floor harshly.

Jhope got some ropes and threw them at yoongi.

Tae finally got to manipulate lanie so she was calm.

Jimin got up and picked up the needle and made his way to Lana who was being tied up.

"Put that inside me and I'll divorce you." She said.

Jimin sighs and gets on his knees to be next to her. "You don't mean that."

"I mean it." She replied with anger plastered all over her face.

He slowly brought the needle to her skin as one of her bloody tear shed

"Guys where the fuck is Jeno?" Namjoon asked

Jimin stopped and looked around to see lanie missing he looked back and realized the needle was empty. He also noticed the broken glass near Jeno's ropes. That's how he got away.

"HE TOOK HER!" He yelled with anger. "HE INJECTED THE NEEDLE IN HER!"

"It happened right in our faces! How the hell did he get out!" -jungkook

Lana got out of the ropes and pushed jimin to the ground. "If something happens to her I'll kill you with my bare hands!"

"Lana calm down we'll find her" -jhope

"Calm down?! You want me to calm down?!" She yelled. The veins that were once disappearing were coming back.

"Go! Go fucking look for her!" She yelled. She glared at jimin. "You too!"

Jimin stood up and squished her arm with anger. "You don't get to tell me what to do in my own house."

"Our daughter is with a maniac!" She said slapping him

Jimin's anger was coming out. He was about to lose his shit.

"Maybe if you took action right away like I did she would still be here! But no you wanted to torture him and do everything your fucking way!" She yelled

"Lana get out of my face before I black out and do things I'll regret." -jimin

Lana didn't move she glared him and Jimin was doing the same. "How about you get out of my face?" She asked

"You Fucking bitch." He whispered in her face before turning around and walking out of the house.

"Let's go the guy was limping he probably didn't get too far away" Namjoon told the guys.

Hyuna broke the door down and came out running to hug Lana. Her smooth touch made her go back to normal.

"Mom wheres lanie?" Minji asked holding eunwoo.

"She'll be back." Lana says walking upstairs




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Here's BTS in NYC

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Here's BTS in NYC

Vampire Mafia || Jimin ff (18+)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα