Chapter 7

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When they finally are all seated in the car Gwil immediately turns on the Queen playlist. They all begin with singing along. After a while, Gwil starts talking: "Everyone alright? You all are very quiet today." He glances in his mirror to meet Ben's eyes, giving him a smile. Ben's eyes are wide and Gwil can see him biting his lip.
"I need to talk to you guys." Ben says after a few seconds. Gwil turns off the radio. So they can all hear Ben.
"Iambiorgay. Orsomething Idon'tknow.'' Rami needs some time to figure out what Ben said. However, Joe understood every word he said and hugged him from the side of the car he was seated. After Rami figured out what Ben said he turned around.
"Congrats men. Is there a lucky one?" When Gwil glances to the side he can see the smirk across Rami's face.
"Yes. No. Maybe. I don't know. I need some time to figure it all out." Ben admits. A lie. He knows that Gwil knows it but with all of his heart he hopes Gwil will keep his mouth shut. Which he does.
"How long have you known?" It is Joe who asked the question.
"I admitted it to myself like two months ago. But really I have known for quite some time now."
"Why didn't you admit until two months ago?"
"Because I never really fell in love with a man. Until then?" Ben makes his words sound like a question. As he is not really sure what the right answer is. 
"So there is a lucky guy?" Rami turns around again, joining the conversation.
"Yeah, now you say so. I think there is." Ben lets his head hang in shame.
"It's okay Ben. You don't have to tell us." Joe says.
"By the way, Gwil you have been extremely quiet. What do you think of it?" Joe asks to distract the others from Ben's crush. How desperate Joe is to know who it is he also knows that he shouldn't force Ben in saying something he doesn't want to. 
"I already knew." Gwil meets Joe's eyes in the mirror before looking at Rami. Who has a slight hint of anger in his eyes.
"Since when?"
"An hour or two." Rami nods but gives Gwil a death glare. Gwil shrugs and fully focuses on the road again.


Before Gwilym can open his hotel room door Rami is behind him
"We need to talk."
"Relax there wasn't time to tell you before."
"But still. Did he tell you more?" They are now in Gwil's hotel room. Gwil thinks of the options he has. He can keep his mouth shut but if Rami finds out that he knows more than Rami will kill Gwil. But if he does tell Rami he breaks his promise with Ben, but it will only benefit Ben later, right?

"Yes, but I don't think it is my place to tell you. I promised him to keep it a secret."
"Oh come on Gwilym. Don't be like this. Wait. He isn't in love with one of us is he?" Gwil shakes his head. He rolls his eyes at the use of his full name as he knows Rami did that on purpose. 
"Is it Joe?" Gwil doesn't answer.
"It is Joe. Ben fucking Hardy is in love with Joseph Mazzello." Rami yells. Trying to keep his voice down as much as he can.
"Well, I didn't tell you, did I?" Gwilym says with a smirk on his face. Rami shakes his head laughing.
"So how are going to do this?" Rami asks.
"Well, I have already tried to convince Ben to ask him out. I think I have to push him a little more before he is going to ask Joe. But I think that is the safest way."
"You outsmarted me on this, Gwil. Let me know everything that happens, alright?"
"Of course. If you don't mind, I would like to go to bed. Otherwise, I will be a zombie on set tomorrow."
"Goodnight Gwil." Gwil wished Rami a good night rest as well.

Joe on the other side is already in bed. He is not sleeping, however. With his eyes wide open he stares at the ceiling. The fact that Ben just came out made him happy but terrified at the same time. What if Ben felt the same way about Joe as Joe felt about Ben? That would be the best thing to ever happen to Joe but the thought also scares him. How is he going to find out? He sighs out loud. Ben will never like him anyway. Have you ever looked at Ben? Joe mentally slaps himself for thinking there was even a little chance Ben might like him.

He was never going to know that Ben was sitting on his balcony. It was freezing outside but he needed to get his mind off things. Which was obviously not working. All he could think of was Joe. Every time he tried to think of other things his mind always found his way back to Joe. He doesn't what he is doing until he is outside once again. This time with his phone in his hand. Without processing what he is doing he opened the chat with Joe. His thumbs doing the work for him.

I hope I didn't wake you up. But would you like to eat something together tomorrow after shooting? I feel like we haven't had proper time together for ages.

For a second his finger circles above the send button. Without thinking twice he hits the button. He immediately throws his phone back into his hotel room on top of his bed. What has he done? Joe will think he is weird. If he didn't already think that. He hears the familiar ping indicating a new message. His hand shoots towards his phone. Before he turns it on he takes a deep breath.

Ben Hardy, are you asking me on a date?

Ben laughs at the comment. So Joe doesn't think he is completely out of his mind? However, Ben hasn't got a clue about what to answer. Would Joe still come with him if he would say so? That is exactly what he decided to ask.

If it is, would you still come with me mr. Mazzello?

Ben throws his phone away once again. Not wanting to hear what Joe has to say. If Joe declines the idea there friendship might be forever broken. Maybe even over. When he hears the famous ping his hands start shaking. He knows he just has to pick up the phone and read what Joe has written. But he is scared.


Hi! Welcome back!

For the people who have read more works from me already knows this, but I love cliffhangers. I really do. (Only if I write them. When I read a book with cliffhangers I hate them lmao.)

Xx Itsametaphorjoe

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