Chapter 10

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"This is where we first met!" Joe says a with a great deal of excitement hidden in his voice.
"I know." Ben jumps out of the car and runs around so can once again open the door.
"I love the food here so much." Joe exclaims once Ben opens his door.
"I know." A waiter opens the restaurant door for them.
"Welcome. We're full at the moment. Unless you have a reservation?"
"We do. Under de name of Hardy." The waiter flicks his hair back while looking for the reservation. The waiter looks at the two actors in front of him and back at the reservation. His eyebrows deepen.
"Is something wrong?" Ben crosses his arms over each other. He tries his best not to panic, as he doesn't want their first date to be a disaster.
"No, it is only that the reservation is for two?" The waiter starts typing furiously, searching for the official reservation.
"Yes, that is right. I called for a table for two. Do you see other people around than the two of us?" Bens clenches his fist. Slowly he fees his anger coming through. He knows exactly where the waiter is going and he doesn't like it at all.
"No, it's just-" Ben doesn't even let him finish his sentence: "It is what?"
"I thought so."
"Follow me to your table please." Joe never took his eyes off Ben. His eyes winded a bit at this side of Ben. Ben almost never let anyone see his snappy side. Unless the other person deserved it.

Once they were seated and the waiter has walked away Ben starts apologizing.
"I'm sorry. I just didn't want him to make a homophobic comment."
"You don't have to apologise. That was the absolute right thing to do.''
"I think I know who that guy is. Just wait until he recognises me." Ben says. They both scan the menu in silence. Although Ben knows exactly what he is going to order he keeps scanning the menu as if he really is looking for something to eat.

While ordering the waiter keeps giving Joe and Ben weird looks. Clearly disgusted by the two of them. Ben keeps starring back at the guy with a smile on his face. Which makes the waiter very uncomfortable. When the waiter walks away Joe bursts out in laughter.
"Did you do that on purpose?"
"What? Trying to win a one-sided staring contest? Absolutely." Joe laughs even harder.
"No, not that. Although it was funny. You ordered the exact same thing I did the first time we ate here." Ben meets Joe's eyes and smirks.
"Oh that. Yes, I did. You liked the food so much that I wanted to try it myself."
"You remembered exactly what I ate that night?" Joe stares into Ben's eyes. He can't believe someone would pay much attention to him. 
"It proves I did." Ben breaks Joe's thoughts. 
"By being awesome." He keeps looking into Joe's eyes. Almost drowning in them. Before realising it might look creepy and he turns his eyes back to his hands.
"No, just kidding." He adds.

After eating and chatting about everything and nothing Ben calls over the waiter.
"Can I have the check please?" The waiter nods but never looking at the two. When he comes back he basically throws the little book on to the table.
"I would like to pay with my card please." Winking at Joe. He knows that will annoy the waiter. Who comes back with the machine.

After paying the waiter walks away.
"Mason, one more thing. Do you not know who I am?" The waiter, whose name is apparently Mason, turns around.
"No, I am lucky not to. I know no one who's last name is Hardy." Mason, clearly annoyed by Ben, wants to turn around again.
"What about Ben Jones then. Does that ring a bell?" Mason turns around again. Studying Ben's face.
"Ben, are you kidding me? This is what has happened to you?"
"What has happened to me?" Ben does his best to sound as calm as possible, but his heart and mind are racing. 
"Well, you changed a lot man. I didn't recognise you. And well. Never mind."
"I did grow some muscles. That is right. And what was the second thing?"
"No, that's not important."
"I think it is. Remember what miss Maldonado taught us? You always have to finish the sentence you started because-"
"Otherwise no one is going to hear your voice. I know that. Alright, it was just are you gay?"
"Yes, I am."
"And you're dating that ugly man?" Ben huffs at the comment. Joe feels his eyes widen. He wants to say something, but he doesn't know what. 

"First of all, Mason. I expected different from you. We have been friends for way over eight years. I thought you would be someone to trust and who would be supportive but I guess you are not. Second of all, I think I have a way better life than you do. I have a good-paying job as an actor and I have lovely friends who support me with every single decision I make in my life.  And last but definitely not least, don't ever call Joe ugly again. He is the most beautiful and precious man I ever met.  I love him with all my heart. And nothing will ever change that. He is the best friend I ever had. And someday I would love to call him my boyfriend instead." Ben lets his eyes glide from Mason's face towards Joe.
"Well, I think I have said enough. Joe, shall we go?" He holds his arm out for Joe to take. Which the latter takes without hesitation. All while Ben was talking Joe could see all the people that were looking at them, listening to every word Ben said. Some of them applauding the bravery Ben had to stand up to his former friend like that.

When they are in the car Ben lets out a shaky breath. He buries his head in his hands. Joe let go of the door he was still holding. His hand finds his way to Ben's back.
"Thank you. For standing up for us." He says. Trying his best to comfort Ben.
"Sorry for letting you see this side of me. Twice today. I am a terrible friend."
"Hey, Ben. Don't say that. Look at me." Joe uses his index finger to lift Ben's head. Meeting his eyes. He keeps looking in Ben's eyes. Letting him know that he means every word he is saying.
"You're an amazing friend. I never could have wished for someone else. Mason deserved every word you said to him. He shouldn't have talked to you like that. Especially not when you think about the fact that he was your best friend back in the days. He is your worry not worth. I am proud of you for standing up to him like that. I could have never done it." Joe waits for Ben to say something, but instead of talking Ben does something Joe didn't saw coming.



I do have to say I love cliffhangers. I'm sorry guys, but you'll have to wait until you know what is going to happen.

I want to say a quick thank you to everyone who votes and comments on this story. I love y'all. And those comments mean the world to me. 

Xx itsametaphorjoe 

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