Chapter 35

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"So, you two are in a relationship huh?" The man says when he walks over to Ben. He is about Ben's height and their build is almost the same. If Ben would have wanted, he could have taken the guy down. In his shaken up position, however,  right now he can't do anything but stare at the man. From the inside, he tries to get everything together. He can't let Joe get hurt one more time. That was his promise and he is going to keep his it. Although, he doesn't know how yet.
"What kind of differences would it make if we would be friends or boyfriends?" As soon as the words leave Joe's mouth the man turns around. He walks towards Joe only stopping when they are almost standing against each other. The guy looks him deep in the eye.

"Fags should be illegal in this country." He spat out. Joe doesn't turn his head away but keeps looking the man in the eye. Ben takes that time to look around the little cafe. Everyone has left. He wonders where the staff went. There aren't any bartenders standing behind the bar like they were earlier.
"Too bad for you that they aren't." Ben didn't even realise that he started talking. With the sudden boost of confidence, his foot shoots backwards. It hits the guy holding him right in his shines. The guy curses under his breath and he stumbles backwards. Both of his hands shoot towards the place that hurts so bad. Which causes him to set Ben's arms free. While all the other guys were looking at the scene with Ben no one really paid attention to Joe. He managed to get on hand free as soon as the grip from his guy loosened. Ben walks up to the guy who still has one wrist of Joe in his hands. He only needs to lift his foot slightly before the guy lets go of Joe's arm. The latter grabs Ben's wrist again before dragging him out of the place straight to their car.

Their car ride is silent as both of them are trying to process what just happened. As soon as they walk into the hotel Joe follows Ben to his room. He flops down face first on the mattress immediately.
"That was not how I had this date in mind.'' He moves his head towards the side so his words aren't muffled by the bed. Ben lays down next to him so he can give him a kiss on his forehead.
"Apart from the ending, it was amazing. I love to see you happy. And I got to be your saviour this time." Ben says which receives a giggle from Joe.
"I can't believe we are going to move in together," Joe says.
"Have you thought about where you want us to live?" Ben asks. He has crawled over to the headboard and leans against it.
"To be honest, no. I know Rami is moving to New York after shooting. Before we got together I have thought of moving from LA to New York as well. Just to be closer to my family, but now we are together I don't know what I want." Joe has crawled over to the edge as well. He lets his head rest on Ben's shoulder.
"I would love to go to New York. If you would still like that?" Ben has turned towards Joe. Whose eyes slowly widen as a huge smile spreads across his lips.
"Of course, but I thought you didn't want to leave the UK?" Joe asks. He cocks his head to the side while he waits for Ben's answer. 
"I didn't but with my dad wandering around I think it is safer to go away. I know he is able to do a lot more than this. And I don't want anything to happen again." Ben sighs while he stares at the wall in front of him.
"Yeah, it's probably for the best. But I can't wait for you to meet my parents. They already love you from the few phone calls we did." Ben immediately recognizes the excitement in Joe's voice.
"What about we go and look online for houses this Saturday?" He asks. Joe nods eagerly before turning his head to the side so he can kiss Ben.

"I love you so much." Joe says. 
"I love you too baby. It is starting to get unhealthy how much I love you." Ben whispers in Joe's ear. That is enough to send shivers down Joe's back. Ben nibbles on Joe's neck before returning to meet Joe's, now parted, lips. He carefully takes off Joe's shirt.
"As you said earlier that you still don't believe we are together I think I need to show you that in fact, we are together, don't you think?" Joe only nods at the words as he looks into Ben's eyes, almost drowning in them. Ben simply smiles before leaning in for yet another kiss.


The next day it's time for Brian and Roger to film a cameo in the Bohemian Rhapsody movie. Something all of them are really excited about. Especially Brian who has always wanted to have a small roll in a movie. And now he gets the chance to star in his own movie. He had a long sit in the make-up studio. Their cameo shouldn't be too obvious so they were requested to wear wigs. Brian asked the make-up artists to do his wig in a different room then the room where Roger gets his hair done. Brian wanted the look to be a surprise. The last time Roger has seen Brian without the full big curly hair is probably the time they both were still in college. It took a long time to fit all Brian's curls under the wig but it is finally done. He waits in the common room until Roger is done. All the cast members have already seen him. Rami, who didn't know about the cameo, looked weird at Brian once he walked into the room. He pushed his lips in his thinking face and squinted his eyes.
"Did nobody tell you that I and Rog have a cameo in today's BBC scene?" Rami shakes his head. He is now positive that it is Brian. That is the moment Roger walks in. He looks at Brian with a weird smile on his lips. He stops in his track to get a better look. Brian awkwardly waits until Roger is done with the starring.
"This looks so weird. And I don't know what I like better. Can I touch it?" Roger asks while walking over to Brian. The latter looks confused at Roger before nodding. Roger carefully touches the wig before flopping on the couch.
"It's so weird seeing you with a wig." Brian grins at Roger. The latter touches his wig before looking at Brian.
"Yeah, I only need to put on my costume on and then I'm ready to go." Rogers says.

Ben, Joe and Gwil walk in. They take place on the second couch. As it was too small for the three of them to sit on Gwil offered to stand but the other two refused as Joe went to sit on Ben's lap anyway. His head tucked in the crook of Ben's neck. The hair of Ben's wig tickles against his face, but he doesn't mind. He loves seeing Ben in the wig. Something about it makes Joe's attraction for Ben grow even bigger.
"Are you tired honey." Ben rubs his hand over Joe's back. Joe nods against his chest and nuzzles his head closer to Ben.
"The two of you are so cute together. I'm so happy you got together." Brian says while he watches the interaction that takes place between the two.
"Did you two stay up late fucking that Joe is so tired?" Roger asks as a smirk creeps up his face.
"There are two types of people." Gwilym immediately fires back. Which earns a giggle from Joe. Ben turns his head down a little to look at Joe. His lips curl up at the sight of the older boy curled up in his chest.


They all have gathered on the set for the day. Brian and Roger are arguing at the door of the room. Although no one can really see Roger, they all listen to the conversation.
"No, you can't wear that Rog." Brian says before eyeing Roger up and down.
"I sure can." The voice of Roger fills the room.
"What is he even wearing?" Joe asks before walking over to the door.
"Come and see yourself." Brian has stepped aside so Joe can take a look. As soon as Joe bursts out in laughter the others walk over too. Soon everyone is laughing at Roger. Who has a black shirt with a picture of himself jumping into a car. With the title of I'm in love with my car in white above it.
"I think it is cool. What is wrong with it?" Ben defends Roger.
"Maybe it is not strong enough?" Gwil says with a cocky smile on his lips.
"What does that even mean not strong enough?" Ben plays along as Joe bursts out in laughter once again.
"But seriously Roger, Brian is right. Everyone will know it is you. Please change into the clothes the costume team has laid out for you." Mitch is standing behind them. Roger's face drops into a frown before he walks away.

During the whole day of shooting Roger didn't remove the frown from his face. He kept saying that his shirt was amazing and should've been in the movie. Which annoyed everyone on set but served for some hilarious conversations too. Every time Brian tried to go against it. In the end, he just gave up arguing. 


Hi lovies,

Welcome back! 

I haven't told you guys the news yet, have I? I am going to see Queen! Can you believe it? I am actually going to see Roger and Brian (and Adam of course) perform live. I can't believe it. My heroes. Those legends. It is amazing! I cried so hard when I finally got the tickets...

Anyways, as usual, I don't have anything to say. So, have a good day or night I guess.

I love y'all!


Xx Itsametaphorjoe

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