Chapter 69

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"Goodmorning honey. I'm going home for a few hours. I need to do some things and to pick up some stuff from home. Gwil will come and sit next to you for a while though, making sure you are not lonely. I love you." Ben grabs Joe's hand to give it a light kiss. It has been almost two weeks since Joe got into a coma. Ben has been in the hospital every single day. Each day he would leave at the same time in the evening. He would go home to eat a proper dinner. Then he would grab some stuff to make a good breakfast and lunch for the day after. He would shower and grab some things he needs before heading off to the hospital again. It was the same time Joe got washed, feed through the tube and checked by the doctors each day. When Ben came back he would find Joe in another t-shirt Ben had brought from home the day before. He would just sit there and talk to him before feeling so tired that he would fall asleep. Each morning and each evening he would give Joe's hand a kiss. He knows it's meaningless, but somewhere deep down he wants to give Joe all the love he can get. Even though Joe would never get to know that he did this. Officially Ben wasn't allowed to sleep in the hospital. The nurses knew that, but they helped him set up his air mattress every night. They would wake him before visitor hours to hide the mattress into the cupboard so no one would know. At first, he was confused from the sudden help. After a few days, he realised one of the nurses who helped them the first time Joe and Ben got beaten up also worked in this ward. She told everyone to help Ben as much as they could. Ben grabs his bag from the corner before walking towards the door.

Not even ten minutes after Ben left Rami walks into the room.
"Hi, Joe. Gwil was supposed to be here now, but he said I could go. Ben doesn't know though. He wouldn't have wanted me to be here, but I can't just leave you alone here." Rami stays silent for a few minutes before talking again.
"He is probably still mad at me. I'm still mad at him. What he said really hurt me. Still does. I know it's stupid for me to be mad at this one thing he said, but still." Rami sighs out loud before grabbing his phone from his pocket.
"I'm going to put on some music, okay? It's awfully quiet here. Queen, of course." He mumbles to himself before putting his Queen playlist on shuffle. Immediately I'm in love with my car starts blasting from his phone.
"Oh, you've got to be kidding me." He says before placing his phone onto Joe's bedside table.
"Joe, you better wake up soon. I miss your chaotic energy. I need that in my life. It's awfully quiet without you and everyone is way too sad." Rami says. He sits like that for over an hour. He is just telling Joe random things he needs to get off his chest. After a while, he gets a text from Gwil that the latter is on his way to the hospital. Rami grabs his personal belongings before looking at Joe.
"I hope that the next time I see you our conversation isn't one-sided anymore," Rami says before awkwardly patting Joe's shoulder. He walks towards the door of the hospital room.

Meanwhile Ben is home. He feels exhausted. After making some dinner to eat at home he sits down in front of the tv. He doesn't even pay attention to what is happening on the screen. He doesn't even know what show or movie it is. His mind is going back to the conversation he just had. It was his very first appointment with a psychologist. He can't believe that he told a stranger things he never told anyone, not even Joe, in his first appointment. It felt good somewhere deep inside him. He never felt judged by the woman. Once he finished dinner he walks back to their bedroom to grab some new clothes for himself and Joe. Before leaving he jumps under the shower. As soon as the warm water makes contact with his skin he feels his whole body shivering before he slowly relaxes under the warm water.

When he walks back to his bedroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist he looks at the bed. Suddenly exhaustion hits him like a train. He sets an alarm on his phone before laying down. Two weeks of sleeping on an air matress weren't really good for his sleep schedule. He would often wake up in the middle of the night on the ground. After that, he never was able to fall asleep again. As soon as he is fully under the covers of his bed he can feel his eyes slowly close.


Hey guys,

I was lucky to have another chapter edited for you guys. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to upload until this weekend.

I hope y'all have a good day/night. Take care of yourselves.

I love y'all.


Xx Itsametaphorjoe

I'm going slightly mad // HardzelloWhere stories live. Discover now