Chapter 3

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A week has passed since Joe has talked to Brian. No one really asked him about what happened. As soon as they tried to Joe would shrug it off and say that he is fine. Sometimes he saw the worried looks on the faces from Gwil, Rami and Ben. He ignored them as much as possible. 

Gwil invited all three of them so sleep back at his house over the weekend. They all gladly accepted because they are done with sleeping in a hotel or their trailer. His girlfriend would be out of town so they didn't have to worry about her. Joe packs everything for the weekend in his backpack. Gwil is already waiting in his car because he didn't have to pack much. Joe hops in the backseat.
"Let's have some fun this weekend." Joe says which makes Gwil laugh.
"You sounds like an excited four years old going to Disneyland." Gwil turns around to look at Joe.
"Well, just let me be happy." Joe rolls his eyes on purpose. 
"I am happy that you are happy." Those were true words rolling from Gwil's mouth. He really hoped that Joe was happy. After that breakdown from last week, he stayed up late some evenings to figure out what was going on. He wants to help Joe, but he doesn't know how. His thoughts get interrupted when Rami opens the front door of the car. 
"Hai guys."
"Well, hello mr. Malek. How are you doing today, sir?" Joe says as he grabs Gwil's seat to push himself forward in between the two seats. Rami tries to keep his poker face but bursts out laughing.
"Very well, mr. Mazzello. Thank you for asking. May I ask how you are doing yourself?"
"Well, you're not Brian but you still May ask me. I am doing alright. Apparently, I sound like a four-year-old." He glances over at Gwil. He furrows his eyebrows and squeezes his lips into a thin line in an attempt to look angry.

That is when the other door of the backseat opens. Ben gets into the car. He gives Joe a small smile before speaking: "Well, Gwil let's go." Joe feels his heart beating faster. He lets his gaze fall on the window as he is trying to focus on something else. After awhile Gwil breaks the silence by switching from radio to a CD with the greatest hits of Queen. Immediately Rami starts singing along. Soon followed by the other three. Bens slightly taps with his hand and his foot along with the songs. Joe smiles at the small movements. Singing along with every song they notice how well they know the songs. As they are slowly growing more and more towards the real band.


Rami ordered pizza while they were in the car so they could eat as soon as they arrived at the house. Gwil showed where everyone was sleeping. He is joined in his own bedroom by Ben. Rami and Joe would take the guest room. Joe is more than happy that Rami asked him to sleep with him in one room. Otherwise, he had to sleep with Ben in one room. Which he wouldn't have survived. He almost refused to come along to Gwil's house because he had to spend a whole weekend with Ben in one house. The longer they are together the more difficult it is for Joe to keep his secret to himself. That is why he never drank any alcohol when Ben was present. He doesn't want to say something he would later regret. 

Joe 'accidentally' left his bag next to the front door before Gwil showed everyone around. He said he would get the bag as soon as they were going to sleep. The only reason that he left it there is because he can grab it and escape as soon as possible. Then he wouldn't have to gather his stuff laying around the house, but he would just have to bend over to grab it and run out of the door. Tonight was the night he was planning on telling them.

Once they all finished their pizza's Gwil and Rami start to take everything to the kitchen to put everything in the dishwasher. Ben looks over at Joe.
"Are you alright mate? You look a bit off." Joe takes his eyes from Ben and lets them rest on a random spot on the table.
"Yeah, I guess so. I just need to talk to all of you in a minute." He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. There isn't a way back now. 
"Alright, you know you can tell us everything, right?" Joe nods. Although, he is still worried about the conversation. He hopes Brian is right with all of his heart.
"Should I ask them to come here?" Ben asks. Joe shakes his head.
"It can wait until they are done." Ben wants nothing more than comfort one of his best friends but he doesn't know how. At least not until he knows what is going on.

It feels like hours to Joe before the other two come back. They immediately recognize the tense atmosphere hanging in the room.
"Everything all right in here?" Rami asks while he takes his seat next to Joe again. Gwil sits down next to Ben at the opposite of Joe.
"Yes, it is. I just need to talk to you." Joe's eyes flicker around the room.
"Spill it." Rami says. Again Joe closes his eyes again and to take another deep breath. His mind is trying to come up with ways to chicken out but he is not going to let that happen. He promised Brian that he would tell them.
"I am..." He feels his mouth getting dry. Which is a side effect from him getting too nervous. He decides to say it before his mind and body decide differently.
"I am gay." He shuts his eyes tightly as he waits for them to start yelling at him. Instead, he hears the sound of a chair slide back. Footsteps are leading away from the table. They are going to leave him. Just like he expected they would. 

It is completely silent in the room. He can hear his blood rushing through his ears. Slowly tears start to build up in his eyes. When the sound of glass against glass is heard he jumps from the sudden sound. He looks up only to see Gwil standing there with four wine glasses and a bottle of wine.
"The honour is to you." He hands the bottle to Joe. Instead of opening Joe carefully sets the bottle on the table.
"You're not mad?" He asks. His eyes gliding towards Rami.
"No, why would we silly?" Rami grabs him in a hug the first chance he gets.
"Come here, buddy." Ben has his arms wide open for Joe. Who gladly accepts the hug. After giving a hug to Gwil Joe grabs the wine bottle.
"Now I need my alcohol." He pours wine in all four glasses before handing them to everyone. Gwil makes a toast on Joe coming out.
"I really thought you were going to leave me." Joe mumbles after taking his first sip from the wine.
"Don't ever think that again. We will never leave you. You're stuck with us, buddy." Ben grabs the wrist from Joe. Asking from attention from the older boy.
"Do you believe me?" Ben asks while he looks Joe directly in the eye.
"Yeah, I guess. I need to text Brian." Joe yanks his arm away from Ben. As he doesn't want to deal with the strong feelings he has for his best friend. He walks towards the front door. He searches in his bag until he finds his phone. While he is searching for the chat with Brian he feels a hand on his shoulder.

Hi guys,

I hope y'all like it so far. Let me know what you think of this story in the comments >>>

I already wrote the next few chapters. There is a lot of drama waiting for you. So be prepared. 

Have a nice night/day!

I'm going slightly mad // HardzelloHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin