Chapter 55

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Ben nervously rubs his hands over each other as soon as he calls Joe. He promised his boyfriend that they would facetime today. The catch is that Joe is not allowed to know that Ben is back in town. Gwil decided that sitting in front of a white wall on a chair was less noticeable than actually sitting on a bed. Gwil walked out of the room once everything was settled and gave a thumbs up to Ben. The latter takes a deep breath before hitting the facetime button.

"Hi baby." Joe says as soon as he answers the call.
"Hi princess. Four days and I'll be home again." Ben says. He hates lying to Joe but he knows that in this case, Joe wouldn't mind when he found out.
"I can't wait. I miss you so much." Joe quietly says. It kills Ben that he knows that Joe is only a few blocks away from him nearly crying because Ben isn't home with him.
"I miss you too honey." Ben smiles. For some reason, nothing comes to mind when he tries to think of something to say.
"Are you going to do anything tonight or tomorrow?" He asks after a while. In his mind he thanks himself that he has been asking this question during his whole trip so Joe doesn't notice anything unusual.
"Not much tonight. I'll probably go to bed early because I'm kind of tired. Rami comes over tomorrow to watch some movies. He wanted to distract me for being away for you so long." Joe answers. Ben pretends like he doesn't know anything about it.
"Ooh that sounds fun. Have fun. Say hi to Rami for me." Ben smiles at Joe. He thinks everything he says through. The surprise will be even bigger when Joe doesn't suspect a single thing.
"I will."

They continue talking about some random things until Ben can almost see Joe falling asleep.
"Princess you should go to sleep."
"No, no. I'm not tired." Ben tilts his head and looks straight in the camera.
"I can basically see you falling asleep. It's okay. You should get enough sleep. We will speak tomorrow evening again, okay?" Ben smiles softly at him. If Joe only knew how long they were going to talk to each other the next day.
"Fine. Goodnight Benny." Joe sighs before rubbing his eyes.
"Goodnight gorgeous." Ben puckers his lips and blows a kiss towards the screen. He waits for Joe to do the same before he ends the call. He lets out a shaky breath as soon as the line declines. That was the most difficult phone call he ever had. He was trying his best not to say anything to ruin the surprise that he couldn't actually enjoy talking to Joe.

He walks out of Gwil's guest bedroom and sees Gwil sitting on the couch.
"I made you some coffee." Gwil says before gesturing towards the two coffee mugs standing on the coffee table.
"Thanks Gwil. That was the most difficult conversation I ever had with Joe. I felt so forceful." Ben sighs before letting his face run over his face.
"That is just because of the nerves. You just don't want him to find out that you have planned a date for tomorrow." Gwil calmly says before grabbing the coffee mug in his hand.
"Yeah, I am nervous. Not for the date itself, but that present I prepared does mean a lot to me. But what if he doesn't like it? It is silly, isn't it? Yeah, it is. I shouldn't give it. He will think I am a-" Ben rambles. 

"Ben, listen to me. Joe will like it. Trust me this time. And I don't even want to know what the last part of your sentence was going to be because it's not true. Joe loves you. He will like anything that you give him. Only if it is because it comes from you." Gwil says. Ben immediately looks up at Gwil.
"You really think so?"
"I don't think so. I know it. Believe me, Ben. He will like anything you give him. And this present is so special. I'm starting to get a little jealous of your boyfriend." Gwil smiles. He can see Ben gulping hard. Ben always had difficulties with opening up to people and letting them show real parts of him. Gwil hopes that Ben trusts him good enough to believe him this time.

"The last time I told you to trust me it was about asking Joe on a date. Look how that turned out." Gwil says. Ben breaks into a small smile while he thinks back about that.
"Yeah, you're right. I think it is just nerves. I can't wait to see him. It has been almost three weeks man. Three weeks without Joe. I just can't handle that. God, I love him so much." Ben says.

I'm going slightly mad // HardzelloWhere stories live. Discover now