Chapter 37

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That evening Gwil is the one to drive them to the restaurant. He called earlier to make a reservation at the restaurant where they first met. As soon as he pulls into the parking spot, the atmosphere in the car tenses. Ben and Joe share a look of worry before getting out of the car. Joe immediately grabs Ben's hand in his own as soon as they enter the building.  A waiter led them to the table. Joe sat down next to Ben as Rami sat across from Joe next to Gwil.

"So, I made sure that Mason wasn't working tonight. In fact, his manager told me that he was fired because of some incident that happened a few months ago. After asking a few times he finally told me that it was about him insulting a couple that was eating in this restaurant. A few of their costumers asked to speak to the manager after the couple left. They told him the whole story. The manager had no choice but to fire him." Gwil explains. Ben and Joe looked at each other with joy in their eyes before they both burst out laughing.
"Exactly what he deserved," Ben says. Joe grabs his hand and rubs his thumb over the backside of Ben's hand. 

When they are waiting and while they are eating they talk non-stop. It's like they haven't seen each other in weeks. They share funny stories or recall stuff that happened on set. 
"When are you going to move to New York?" Gwil asks after a while. He let his eyes glide over the three faces of his friends. 
"I'll take my flight home on Sunday. And then I have around a week to pack most of my stuff and fly towards New York. I will move in with Lucy immediately." Rami says.
"I am going to New York on Saturday to sign the contract and get the keys to our new house. Then I'll stay with my parents for two days before Ben comes. We will move most of his stuff in. Then I believe Thursday we both go back to our current homes to get our last stuff and moving everything in. We will probably stay for a few days with my parents after that until our furniture is set up." Joe explains. Gwil looks down at his plate while nodding slowly.

"Well, I am going to miss you palls. Who do you think you are to leave me all alone in England?" Gwil pouts as he looks at the three surrounding him.
"Move to New York too." Joe suggests while he continues eating his food. When Ben is not looking he steals a little part of his chicken too. 
"Actually I am. I got a call a few days ago to be a part of a special project. For that, I need to be in New York for at least a year. I'm moving next month." Gwil smirks as he sees the faces of their friends. Ben's eyes get bigger before he recovers himself. 
"Damn it, I thought that I was finally done with you. I wanted to move to the States to be away from you." Ben says while trying to look as annoyed as possible.
"You'll never be able to get rid of me, mate. I'll haunt you forever." Gwil says in a cool tone. They keep their conversation going for a little while. Until Ben can't hold in his laughter. Soon followed by Gwil. They left a giggling Joe sitting next to them and a smiling Rami. 
"But that is great news Gwil. Then we don't have to miss each other so much." Rami says as he shoves his plate away from himself because he is done eating.

After paying they are about to leave when the manager walks up to them.
"Are you Ben and Joe?" He looks from Joe to Ben with a raised eyebrow. Both of them nod before looking at each other. 
"We heard about the incident with one of our waiters. We want to apologise for what happened. It wasn't his place to judge you. So, we want to give you both a bottle of our best wine on the house." He hands them both a bottle of wine.
"That really isn't necessary. We are already happy that he got fired." Joe says before trying to hand back the bottle. 
"No, take it. We are truly sorry. Thank you that you still came to eat here." He nods to them before walking off.
"Well, that was kind," Rami says while he walks over to the door to open it for everyone.


A week later Ben is waiting at the airport for his luggage. He grabbed a cart to put all the boxes and suitcases on. He already sold most of his furniture and only took the small things with him. About half of it this time and the other stuff he stored at a friends house. Which he will take with him the next time he is in London. He hasn't seen Joe for almost a week. It was the first time that they have been separated for more than a day in the last couple of months. And if Ben was honest it was a lot harder than he thought it would be. They texted of course, but neither of them really had time to call as they were both busy with packing their belongings and getting things ready. Ben knows that at the moment that his last box comes on the luggage band that he needs to walk out that door and see if Joe is there. Something in him says that Joe will not be there. The other part of him knows that Joe will, of course, be there. How could he even think that Joe would leave him? He counts the boxes and suitcases on his cart. There is one more box until he has all of them.

It doesn't take long before that one also rolls down the band. He picks it up and places it on top of the rest. While he pushes the kart he notices how heavy all his stuff is. The doors slide open as soon as he walks in front of them. A large group of people waiting for their loved ones is standing on the other side. His eyes scan the crowd carefully. It takes a little while before he sees Joe. The man is leaning against the wall. He put on the clothes he wore on their second date. A smile creeps up his lips as soon as he sees Ben. He runs over to him to give him a hug.
"I missed you." He says while he pulls away. Ben wraps his arm tightly around the older boy. His face crooked in Joe's neck to inhale his scent. Before he can fully enjoy the hug Joe pulls away.
"Let's get your stuff into the van so you can see. It's really beautiful." Ben shakes his head laughing at the excitement from Joe. The older one is nearly jumping up and down. Joe leads them towards the van.

"It is from my parent's dance studio. They said I could use it for today." Joe says after Ben glances at the big logo on the side of the black van. They both carefully place the luggage in the back before sitting down in the front. Joe drives the road as they talk about their week. He turns the van into a parking garage underneath a huge building.
"So, I think we will first just take two suitcases and I will show you around. Then we will go and take the other ones." Ben nods and grabs the suitcase Joe hands him. As Joe takes his one he leads both of them towards the elevator.
"It is so beautiful Ben. You're going to love it." They climb towards the thirteenth floor. Slowly the doors open, revealing a corridor with a red plush carpet. Joe walks through the corridor to one of the last doors. He opens the door and steps aside for Ben to walk in first. Who steps right into the living room. Which is separated from the kitchen with a small cooking island or bar situation. A big window covers one of the walls. Ben walks over to the window. His eyes widen as he watches the view.
"This is amazing." Joe has walked over to Ben and wrapped his arms from behind around his boyfriend. He has his chin resting on Ben's shoulder. Just holding Ben in his arms again is something he has been thinking of the past few days.
"I know, right? I am so happy that I can share this with you, Ben." Joe says. He looks at the view from over Ben's shoulder. 
"And so am I." Ben turns around to give Joe a kiss before he walks into their corridor leading to the other rooms.

After the quick tour. They grab all the other boxes and place them in the living room temporarily. Ben grabs the suitcase he had packed for the stay with Joe's parents. Joe feels the nervous atmosphere as they walk towards the van. He decides not to say anything until they arrive at the house.
"Babe, look at me. This is going to be fine. They already loved you as my friend. Imagine how much they will love you now." He has grabbed Ben's hand and squeezed it slightly as he kept looking into his eyes. Ben swallows hard and nods his head. He grabs a hold of the door handle and opens the door slowly. Joe gets out as well.
"Oh and a quick warning. My mom loves hugs." He winks at Ben before they make their way to Joe's parents' apartment. 


By the time you're reading this I'm already in school and stressing about an exam. I'm not sure if I am going to pass the exam. We will see. I hope your comments on this chapter will cheer me up after the exam.

What is your favourite BoRhap ship besides Hardzello?

I was wondering how many of you have seen or are goining to see Queen live?


Xx Itsametaphorjoe

I'm going slightly mad // HardzelloWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt