Chapter 98

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The next morning when Ben and Joe come downstairs they see a complete breakfast on the table. Both Gwil and Rami are in the kitchen making even more food.
"Guys, what is all of this?" Ben asks. Both him and Joe look at the food with wide eyes.
"Breakfast for our two dads and their friends," Rami says while turning around.
"You didn't have to," Joe says. Now it's Gwil's turn to turn around.
"We know. I love cooking and Rami decided to join me. So, just sit down and relax. We are almost done," Gwil says. He has turned himself around again so he can focus on the cooking. Joe pulls out a seat for Ben to sit on.
"Thanks, babe," Ben says before pressing his lips against Joe's cheek.

They spent two hours eating breakfast and they didn't even come close to finishing the food.
"So, Brian told me something that had to do with your presents. Of course, you already know that you two got a bass and a drum kit." Rami pauses for a few seconds. Ben and Joe look at each other. They already talked about it on their way to Italy. They were absolutely jazzed about it.
"Yeah, it's crazy," Joe says.
"So, the presents included two letters. I brought them with me per Brian's request." Rami wants to say something else but he gets interrupted by Gwil: "We should face time Brian later on and tell him the news. I bet he will be overjoyed."
"Yeah, we could do that in the afternoon," Ben says. His gaze moves to Rami again because he is very curious what the letters say.
"I'll give you yours first, Ben," Rami says. He grabs the envelope that was laying on the chair next to him. Ben quickly opens the envelope before taking the letter out.

Dear Ben,
I want to thank you for giving your all in this movie. I know you, and the others worked very hard on getting everything down the exact right way. It was great having the energy you guys have on set. That really gave me and Brian the feeling that you were giving everything you had to make this movie as good as we hoped it'd be. I'm maybe not a man of a lot of words and I have never said this out loud but over the time of filming this movie, I've really grown to care for you. If you are ever in need of anything don't hesitate to come and look for me. It's a shame that you're 28 and that I can't legally adopt you because otherwise, I would love to have to, giving you the parent love everyone deserves in their lives. (I bet Rufus would have liked another drum mate in the family as well). Talking about drumming, you got really good at it. I am honestly impressed by the skill you showed us at your bachelor party. It was pretty hard for me to come up with something to top of your last solo.
Anyways, congratulations on getting married. I hope you enjoy your gift!
X Roger

Ben has read the note aloud. Joe started rubbing his hand over Ben's leg once Roger mentioned his parents. Joe didn't want to drive attention to it but he knows that it still hits Ben deep every day.
"I didn't expect that this caring side would have come out of Roger," Gwil says. All of them shake their heads. Ben lets his eyes scan over the text once more.
"This is sweet," Ben mumbles after a while. Joe can see that it means a lot to Ben. He can't help but smile. Joe eagerly looks up at Rami. He is more than curious about what is written in his letter.

Dear Joseph,

Although we weren't able to meet in person I still want you to know that I supported you and the other actors from day one. I watched the movie with my family not too long ago. I was kind of hesitant to watch it because I was afraid that it wouldn't be that good. Then I remembered that Brian and Roger were involved, so it must be good. That it sure was. I loved every single second of it. It was a weird sensation, seeing you like me doing the dance moves I did and saying lines I would have said. I
t was nice seeing my friends again. You did such a good job. I want to thank you for that. It was nice seeing everything through your eyes again. Thank you for the hard work you put in this to make it perfect. I really appreciate it. I hope this letter can make up for the moments we weren't able to meet in person. By the way, I heard you got married? Congratulations!

Yours sincerely,
John Deacon

Joe places the letter down after he has read John's name.
"Wow." He mumbles. Rami can't help but chuckle lightly at Joe's reaction. Joe stares in the distance for a few seconds. Ben takes that time to pick up the letter.
"Is this really written by John?" Ben asks while holding the letter up to the light as if that would give him the answer to his question.
"As far as I know, yes," Ram says.  Joe grabs the letter from Ben's hold again before rereading it.
"Wow," He says another time when he is done reading.
"Now I understand how you two felt with the blessing of the person you portrayed. This is amazing," Joe says. He stares at the letter in front of him with a huge smile on his face.
"I think it's amazing that he took the time to write this. Even though he wasn't there in person, I think this gives you a validation of your work." Rami says. Joe nods while he looks at the handwritten note in front of him. He grabs his phone before taking a few pictures.
"I am going to make my dad so jealous," Joe says. He quickly types a caption before sending it off.
"Thanks for bringing these letters Rami. They are so amazing," Joe says while he looks at his own letter again. He reads it another few times with a huge smile on his face.

Hey guys,

Y'all wanted John. So, here is John. I tried to stay close to who John really is. I wanted to keep him private but I thought a letter would be a good alternative. 

I hope y'all enjoyed the chapter. Two more chapters to go, guys!

Stay safe, stay healthy. Take good care of yourself and others.


Xx Itsametaphorjoe

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