Still, he gathered up the courage to walk down further. He walked slowly, being very alert of his surroundings. He suddenly wished that he brought some kind of thing he could whack people with, just for self defense. As he walked closer, he saw a tall figure of someone walking closer towards him. At first, he thought that person was going to hurt him, so he was very alert. When he walked closer, he realized that the person seemed way too weak to even do anything.

Jimin stopped walking, just watching the tall figure walk closer to him. Eventually, he got a glimpse of his face. "J-Jaehyun?" He stuttered, starting to get teary-eyed. Jaehyun just simply smiled at him with the same smile he knew for the majority of his school days before he collapsed. Jimin watched in horror as his best friend fell to the ground. He wanted to scream, but nothing came out when he opened his mouth.

Jimin rushed to Jaehyun's side as fast as he could without making any sounds. By the time he was close enough, Jaehyun was already starting to get up. His teeth was gritted and his fast was balled up tightly as he placed it against the wall. Jimin looked down at the rags Jaehyun was wearing. The clothes were barely covering his slim body.

He took a closer look, noticing all the scars that were scattered throughout his body. He looked behind Jaehyun's back only to see fresh, red wounds on his back. Some were small, some were big. One thing was clear; they were all bleeding and obviously very painful. Jimin didn't know what to say. He just stared at Jaehyun's body in horror.

"Jaehyun, please. Tell me the truth. How did you get those scars?" Jimin managed to say, his tears already threatening to spill. He watched as Jaehyun averted his eyes, looking at the wall. "I..... I got them while I was receiving punishment." Jaehyun hesitated, still not looking at Jimin. He knew how much Jimin admired hybrids. He didn't want to ruin that.

"Jaehyun, don't just tell me vaguely like Jungkook did. Tell me in detail. I don't care how fucked up it is. I don't care if it'll ruin my opinion on hybrids. Just tell me, please." Jimin begged, falling onto his knees. When Jaehyun didn't reply, Jimin just pulled him into a hug, careful not to touch his fresh wounds.

"If I tell you, can you promise not to tell anyone except for Jungkook? Jungkook will surely spread it to the people he trusts, and Yuta already told me that I can trust them. Just... please don't tell the public about this." Jaehyun choked, tears rolling down his face. Jimin paused before answering. "I promise."

Jaehyun took a deep breath before he started speaking. "They were from Lee Taeyong, a tiger hybrid that's known as a very handsome CEO to the public. Behind all the cameras, he's a completely different person. Manipulative, infamous, malicious and ice cold. Those are all accurate words to describe him, but he's also warm, sweet and genuinely nice."

Jimin didn't understand how Jaehyun could describe Taeyong in a nice way after all he did to him. After thinking about it, he finally realized why. "Jaehyun, tell me the truth. Did you fall in love with Taeyong?" Jimin asked in a whisper, causing Jaehyun to chuckle quietly. "Yeah, you caught me. I, Jung Jaehyun is in love with Lee Taeyong."

Jimin didn't even bother asking why or how he fell in love. He knew that it was out of his control. Instead, he asked another question that would be easier to answer. "How long have you been in love with him?" He spoke quietly, holding onto Jaehyun even tighter. After finally seeing his best friend after five years, he didn't want to let go.

"I met him when I was pretty young, but I only developed feelings for him after I entered high school. He looks exactly the same as he did a decade ago." Jaehyun replied softly, wrapping his weak arms around Jimin. He felt tears on his shoulder, and felt guilty that those tears were because of him.

"I'm sorry that I disappeared on you five years ago. Taeyong told me that I couldn't tell anyone if I wanted to go with him. It was like becoming a hacker. I had to leave my old life behind. He covered it up with missing posters of me while I stayed with him. Since then, I haven't seen sunlight for the past five years." Jaehyun explained.

"So you've been trapped down here for the past five years?" Jimin asked quietly. Before Jaehyun had a chance to reply, he heard Taeyong's voice calling to him at the end of the hallway. His voice was warm and sweet, but Jaehyun didn't want to change that. He pushed Jimin away, signalling to him with body language, hoping that Jimin will understand what was happening.

Jimin nodded and ran away as quietly as he could. He ran up the stairs and entered the library, shutting the door as quietly as he could while being fast. He went down to the living room and took a deep breath, relieved that Taeyong didn't find out. He just hoped that Jaehyun was alright. He snuggled against Jungkook and fell asleep on the couch while watching the seven hackers work. The entire time, his mind wandered back to one question.

"Why did you have to fall in love with him, Jaehyun?"

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