"Liam can you stop what you're doing for a minute I need to talk to you." Almost suddenly he turns in my direction and nods his head before moving me towards Coaches office.

"Y-yeah what do you want to talk about?"

"I want to talk about what happened between us the other day." Liam searches my eyes and nods his head before sliding down the door to sit down on the floor. I follow his movements when I decide to turn my head in his direction.

"Look I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that, I knew you were panicking a-and." Shaking my head I kick his foot lightly and run a hand through my hair.

"No Liam it was my fault I shouldn't have asked that of you and put the two of us in a vulnerable position." Liam's about to open his mouth to speak when he closes it fast. It was almost as if he was going to add something else to his statement but decided against it. I need him to tell me everything soon because I can't handle the secrets. With a oddly comforting silence Liam speaks up.

"Y/n I know this is probably the last thing you want to hear but I-" Unexpectedly at possibly the worse timing ever Brett walks by and taps his shoulder before crouching down.

"Coach wants us on the field now to practice for the game tonight." Liam huffs out a breath and gets up to wave a shy goodbye at me before walking off.

What the fuck was he going to say?!


At the game Mason and I huddled up closely together with a heavy blanket around us while Allison decided to pop in half way through the game, from the first look I got out of Allison I could already tell that she was not okay. The baggy clothes, the messy hair, the smudge mascara and the tiredness beneath her eyes all sort of matched....Scott's appearance a few days ago. I couldn't fully comprehend what was happening since no one talks to me anymore, did my brother and Allison break up? Are Allison and Scott hiding it from me? Is Stiles cheating on me or does he not love me anymore? Unwanted thoughts manage to crawl through my mind during the passing time of the game. Mason seemed to notice and comfortably rested his hand within my own as Corey scored a shot in the net, which allowed Mason's to scream loudly right next to me.

I release a sigh at the same time Allison rests her head against my shoulder. "I love you Y/n please don't leave me too." Furrowing my brows I look at her and watch as a single tear runs down her eye.

"I-I love you too Ally and I don't plan on leaving your side for a very long time." I rub her arm up and down before she opens her eyes and briefly smiles at me. "Ally what's going on?" She shrugs her shoulders and tightly hugs me, only to leave seconds later.

And it was like everything happened so fast because the very moment Allison left, Mason slaps my arm and yells at me to look at the field so I do. It takes me a moment to register what was happening but when I finally do I jump up and yell because Stiles caught the ball for the first time. His little confusing spins leaves me to giggle as I stop suddenly at the realization that their on a timer.

With a little encouragement I yell out "Shoot it!" But of course I was not the only one who said that, turning my head to the side I hear Lydia yelling 'Shoot it!' As Stiles's gaze only met her's. He didn't even hesitate for another moment before he shoots the ball because of Lydia, they were both to caught up in each other that the entire game didn't matter anymore. The longing and beloved eyes the two shared felt like a knife to the heart, but I wouldn't dare let it affect me as everything that I was seeing or thinking only is in my mind; playing a sick trick on me.

More than just a friendshipOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant