Chapter thirty three

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Hello! Sorry for the late update!

Warning ⚠️: 😢💩


With all the things going on Shisui had completely forgotten about Uzumaki Mito. So when she stopped him one early after noon, he blinked at her surprised at seeing her.

"I know this is sudden..but can we talk?" She didn't have the usual elegance and delicacy as she normally carries in her voice. No, her words were a bit hurried and hesitant, eyes flickering up and down nervously.

He blinked again. Well, this was something he didn't see everyday. So why not? To be honest, he was kind of curious at what this woman would want to talk to him about.

"Sure." He was a gentleman too. His father would have whacked him over the head if he had refused a woman.

He didn't like mito. Actually, probably dislike was a bit too strong, he had only had two conversations with her after all. But he can't forget the way the woman had hugged hashirama while giving him a smug look in return. Now, he wasn't that salty about that anymore, most of his dislike came from that look alone. She had acted like a complete different person and he doesn't appreciate two-faces.

To his surprise they head out for the garden. They aimlessly strolled around for a few minutes in silence, each in their own thoughts. But while mito was gathering her thoughts, he was thinking of izuna.

He should be in war right now. It's been a few days since the cave situation, and everything had brighten up in his opinion. The weather was better now, nice and sunny again and he so wished izuna was back from the war so he can leave this compound already. He has been checking the sky looking for a pretty medium size falcon in particular, but no luck. Which means the war was still going on. It could take weeks or even months, but he doesn't think it'll take too long to defeat the chinoike clan to be honest.

But it was a hard period of time to be living in, so everything can change on a blink of an eye. That's why for whatever reason something happens and his plans get ruined at least he didn't had expectations—because expectations leads to disappointment. But if his plans end up fruitful, he'll just have to convince izuna to take on rin somehow.

"I wanted to apologize to you."


His steps faltered for a second, mind trying to understand what could she be apologizing about. Giving her a brief glance, he asked. "For what?"

She was too tensed, he noticed. Shoulders a bit higher and brows knit together tightly. She pursed her lips. "For being stupid."

Okay, so he definitely wasn't expecting that. To think someone as prideful and elegant as she was would call herself such thing. And it sounded like she means it too.

"I don't understand." Even though he didn't like mito so much, she still was the last person he have had problems with. Other than that look, there was nothing else she has done to him.

"It was because of me, things between you and hashirama didn't work out."

He almost let out a groan at that. Oh, so this was were the conversation was heading to. "Listen mito-sama, what happened between hashirama and me has nothing to do with you." Maybe he sounded rude when he said that, but that was the past now, he didn't care of that anymore. "Believe me when I say, I hold no hostile feelings against you." Which was not completely the truth but whatever.

Mito bit her delicate, polished nail, a frown adoring her features. She looked troubled. "I was trying to make you jealous."

Shisui looked dumbfounded. "Excuse me?"

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