Chapter two

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When tobirama got there along with the senju boy, they found hashirama crunched down in front of someone. Toka was at his side telling him what happened and how they found the uchiha.

Tobirama already expected the worst. He expected a grown adult uchiha playing dead and preparing to strike unexpectedly. But to his slight shock it was not an adult uchiha that he found, but a boy. A mere uchiha boy. Who couldn't be more than 15-16 years old. He had the same features as any other uchiha. Black hair, snow-white skin, tall with a lean figure. To his surprise he saw that his hair was curly, instead of spiky or straight. That was new.

The uchiha boy was already being attended by a senju medical ninja while hashirama watched him carefully. The uchiha didn't seem hurt or harm by any means. Which made tobirama doubt that the kid could have been caught by one of their traps.

"There's nothing wrong on him that I could find." The medical ninja said. "He has no bruises or any other injuries."

"What about his chakra?" Toka asked him.

"His chakra is perfectly fine. Running smoothly along his chakra channels." The doctor said while running a green chakra hand over the uchiha.

"That's weird. Then why is he unconscious?" Toka asked again while frowning.

The doctor's eyebrow curved slightly over his forehead, as if he was trying to come up with a possible reason for why the uchiha was unconscious. "Perhaps-" he started, while turning his head slowly to a quiet hashirama. "You would like to check him hashirama-sama?" He suggested.

Hashirama who's been quietly watching the boy till now, straightened slightly, before commanding chakra to his hand to start a medical checkup. He gently put his chakra hand over the uchiha boy's chest. His brow furrowed slightly before taking his hand away. He then put his hand over the boy's forehead and repeated the same process. Everyone was watching him quietly.

Hashirama checked the pulse on his neck lastly before taking his hand completely away. "There is nothing wrong that I could find. But I did find, that his heartbeat is kinda slower than a person's heartbeat should be."

Tobirama nodded. He didn't really cared what what was wrong with the boy. What he cares, is finding out why the uchiha boy was here on the senju's territory. And what his purpose was. Turning to Toka he said, "take him to a cell. Make sure he is lock up well and give him some water when he wakes up. Also make sure-"


Tobirama immediately shut his mouth at his brother blatant response. "Toka, you will take him to one of our guest rooms and make sure he receives proper care. Make sure to give him some saline to keep him hydrated."

Toka looked at tobirama waiting for him to say something but he stayed quiet and didn't protest at his brother orders. The only way you can know that he was enraged is by the the slight clenching of his fingers over his crossed arms.

Toka turned back to hashirama and nodded. "I understand." She then turned to the other senju, "make sure one of the guest rooms are clean and prepared for him. The closes one to hashirama if you can. Also doctor, if I can get some saline I will be grateful."

"Of course." The medic ninja nodded.

After giving final orders and giving a respectful bow to hashirama and tobirama they left. Toka took the uchiha boy carefully on her arms trying to carry him as gently as she can. Hashirama was also making sure she didn't put too much pressure on him. The boy didn't weight much, he was actually very light. For that reason she didn't have much trouble carrying him.

Hashirama and tobirama followed her the entire time quietly. She could feel hashirama's gaze on the uchiha boy the entire time. Everyone knows how he feels towards the uchiha, and most importantly- kids. that's why everyone knew that any ill intent on the uchiha boy wouldn't be pretty.

They put the uchiha boy on the room closest to hashirama's. Toka gently put him on the bed and a few medical ninjas proceed to attach an IV on his arm.

Hashirama, tobirama and Toka were in the back of the room watching quietly. Making sure everything is done correctly and appropriately. Other than except hashirama, most of the senju clan hate the uchiha with a passion. That's why they wouldn't be surprised if even the medical ninjas try to kill the poor boy.

Hashirama didn't remove his eyes away from him. Which was kinda unsettling, but understandable. After all it's been three months since the last senju-uchiha war. It was kinda shocking to find an unconscious uchiha boy on their territory. Especially since everyone knows how the uchiha value the children above anything else.

They quietly watched him from the corner of the room. Wondering when is he going to wake up.


Shisui was replaying his life over and over again inside the darkness in his mind. He saw himself growing up again. Seeing his parents died, seeing himself participating in the third shinobi's war, and lastly meeting itachi. Then he saw himself grow up alongside itachi, working as a double spy between the uchiha and the village, the uchiha's coup d'etat, him and itachi working side-by-side in order to stop it, he coming out with a perfect plan, Danzo fucking things over, Danzo taking his left eye, him running from the anbus, meeting itachi on the cliff, exchanging words with itachi, saying goodbye to itachi, taking his other eye out and giving it to him and lastly-his favorite- him coming suicide.

He saw himself drowning with a sad, small smile on his face. Saw himself try to ignore the ache in his lungs for need of air. Heard itachi scream his name. Then himself...slowly float away. Dead.

Here was a shinobi that for his entire life he devoted himself to the village. Who didn't get to experience real happiness. Who at the end died with a life full of regrets. Leaving itachi to take care of everything. With only his eye to help him. How could he do that? Leave his poor, little best friend, who he sees as his little brother- take care of the clan, and the village. Alone. Because we all know, itachi will take care of this alone. Itachi whose life was so precious, will forever walk a path of loneliness and sacrifice.

And he wonders, was there something else he could have done? If he had stayed by itachi's side he would have only been in itachi's way. He probably wouldn't have gotten the chance- Danzo would have killed him. He wondered if it was his fault that itachi was suffering. Because he will suffer. As much as he hated it, itachi will suffer. A lot. And probably die...alone.

He was so, so sorry. If he could change everything back to how it was before, he would do it in a heartbeat. He would protect itachi against any wrongness in this world and soothe and bring happiness to his heart. He would have killed Danzo and wouldn't let himself get caught by surprise. He would change the hearts of the uchiha. Talk to the third for more ways of stopping the coup d'etat. And overall..he would just change everything. And lastly, and lastly when everyone is happy, content with their lives- when there was no Danzo, ANBU root....he will allow himself to be happy.

If only, if only he could have done that. If only he could do that...then, that'll be the day when he truly believes that Kami exists. He would give everything, absolutely everything to make that happen. To make that fake fantasy. Reality.


So first of all, I wanted to thanks those who voted. Because lol I didn't think anyone would vote to be honest. This is such a rare and odd couple- I actually wouldn't be surprised if I'm the only one in the entire world writing a story about hashirama x shisui.

But I'm very grateful for those who voted! And hopefully this story will get more votes in the future. I seriously think hashirama and shisui are a lovely couple tbh (but hashimada is still and will forever be #1)

Hopefully you guys liked this chapter. And for those who did please vote and comment, it means a lot! Stay tune for the next one !

Thank you~

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