Chapter seventeen

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Here is the next part!

The soft ray of sun hit shisui's face gently, awaking him from his slumber. He groaned and rubbed his eyes gently to get rid of the sleep. He was a bit disoriented until he remembered where he was. He quickly turned his head to the side and to his embarrassment he found a sleeping hashirama.

He groaned again, but this time out of misery. He fell sleep in hashirama's bed, again. How many times has it been that hashirama and him have fallen sleep together? 'Three times already.' He answered his unspoken question ashamed with himself.

Although this time had been different. They had completely lost track of time, as they shared ideas for their village. And probably passed out some time after that. Either way, he was actually glad they had fallen sleep by doing something fun together, not by over some drama. Like Shisui would know.

He sat up on the bed, and told himself to get out of the lord's first room, quickly. He was we careful with the papers that were still scattered over the bed, some were even on the floor. Smiling, he picked them up gently and sat them atop hashirama's desk. Congratulating himself for his small achievement, he was ready to go- until his eyes just happened to land on hashirama's face. He had such an innocent face while sleeping. There was even a line of drool running down his chin. Laughing softly under his breath, he couldn't help but find it cute. He gathered hashirama's blanket that was on the floor and covered him with it. With a soft smile on his face, he left the room.

He went back to his room, happy that things are going smoothly with him and hashirama. Hopefully, now that things are okay between them again, they could finally put their whole attention on more drastic and important matters.

Like ending the war.

He lost his smile when he remembered how things went with him and izuna. Things had become even more complicated between izuna and him. He had been totally unprepared to meet him that day. And he probably lost a good chance on becoming his friend.

He winced at the word 'friend'. Izuna didn't seem too keen on becoming friends with him.

'He is terrifying.' He thought shuddering comically at meeting him again. But like itachi-the wise said once:

"Sometimes we have to stop being scared and just go for it."

And that's exactly what's he is going to do. He'll just have to meet him again, somehow. And this time he won't screw up. They'll become such great friends that they will go out and have tea together. Nodding to himself, he went inside his room. He needed a plan. And now that someone like him was here, his chances of screwing up were minimum.

He found rin deep sleep on his bed though, and he sweat dropped. Here he was, getting ready for war and everyone was still sleeping. It seems he'll just have to wait.

Meanwhile to keep himself busy, he grabbed a piece of paper and noted down everything that rin and him needed to change. He can't let the things that screwed up his time affect this one as well. So, even if some of the things written down was not exactly to his liking; it needs to get done.

Later on rin awoke from her slumber and found Shisui writing things down like a crazed man. Frowning, she crawled over to him.

"Hey," she greeted him softly, while stretching. "What are you doing?"

When she received no response, she looked worried. "Shi-"

"Here look at this," he cut her off, and handed her the piece of paper he had been writing on. "Tell me what you think of this afterwards."

Skeptical she read over it. Her eyes widening at every sentence.

-Things to do-

• Befriend Izuna Uchiha
•Prevent Izuna's death
•Stop Madara from losing his absolute and utter shit.
•Get Madara to sign the peace treaty
•Destroy the uchiha tablet -NOT DECIDED-
•Build hidden leave village
•Live happily ever after -on hold-

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