Chapter four

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I'm sorry for the long wait!


Shisui was sitting on the bed they provided it for him, while looking out of the window. His face was blank and avoid of any emotion as he sat there quietly. He was wondering if god had played a cruel joke on him, and this way shows god's twisted sense of humor. It didn't take a genius to figure out where he was. Anyone with common sense can tell they ended up in the past. The faces of the Shodaime and Nidaime hokage just proved that.

Shisui has been here for almost two days. Trying and failing from feeling bitter and resentful. It wasn't like him to feel like this towards people or about life. Many people would find this as an amazing chance to finally redo things or change things, either for the better or for the worse. So why can he? He had been granted a second chance. A chance to change history, to meet the famous and the most incredible hokages to ever lived. Shisui guessed he should be happy. And maybe..he could have been-if it wasn't for the simple fact that he is in the past, and no it wasn't ten or twenty years int the past no, it was almost a hundred years.

Tell him, just what can he do a hundred years in the past? There was no Hidden Leave Village, no family, no itachi. Itachi just what he was doing right now? What has happened to the clan? Has he stopped the coup d'etat? The fact that he didn't know what had happened to itachi and the clan after he died, was killing him.

He wanted to go back. He had managed to time travel in the past, he wonders if he could do the same thing but travel to the future instead. He has his eyes back now, he has no idea how that had happened, but whoever gave his eyes back, he was eternally grateful. It was the one thing he was grateful from traveling to the past. He had considered many times telling the first hokage what had happened to him. Shisui was sure if he use his sharingan on him and show him, he will believe him. But then, he asked himself, what was the point? If he ends up believing him, is not like he can take him back to the future. The man was no god. Even if people believed he was. Nidaime hokage, as great as he was with creating new jutsus he couldn't open up a portal and send him back to the future.

Shisui was stuck here.

The simple truth left him more speechless than anything ever did. And he started feeling something heavy and overwhelming in the pit of his stomach. It was a feeling he had long lost. A feeling he never thought he would encounter again: fear. He was scared. Scared because he was stuck a hundred years back in the past, where the warring eras was still going on, with no one he could confine in, no one to talk to, no one to trust, no itachi, no clan ( He couldn't just show up in there). He was alone.

The fact that he was found by the first hokage made him more at ease. Shisui trusted the man. He was kind and understanding. He had built the village and gave them the will of fire. But still, he couldn't just rely on him. He wasn't dumb, he knew he wasn't trusted. He knew his clan and his clan hated each other and he knew that even if the shodaime wanted to, he couldn't let shisui stay if his people aren't feeling save with him around. It was only a matter of time until he was kicked out. The fact that the Nidaime was here complicated things immensely. He trusted the man as well, but he made him nervous. Nervous because he could convince his brother easily to kick him out and the first, would. If not killed. It was no secret that the second, took a while to get used to the uchiha. He wouldn't blame him as well, the man couldn't help it, it was in his nature.

He sighed, thinking too much tired him out and gave him a headache. He wouldn't accomplish anything if he just sits here and think and dwells on what could have been and what can he do there is nothing that could be done anymore. What's done is done, and sitting here feeling sorry for himself won't do anything. What can he do is try and see where this new life takes him. He has to have a purpose in here. He has to.

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