Chapter six

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Sorry for the long wait!

"I want to bring peace..."

Shisui found himself in hashirama's garden, laying back with his back on the soft grass with hashirama beside him. It was very peaceful and beautiful in there, reason why he was about to fall sleep until hashirama spoke those words.

He froze slightly and turned to face hashirama who was staring at the sky with a wishful look. But he also detected sadness in them, sadness that for some reason, he wanted to erase away.

"I believe you can."

This was the opportunity he had been waiting for...the chance to finally see his beloved village once again. And possibly right everything that went wrong in his timeline.

He saw the way hashirama froze at those words and manically turn to him. He stared at him wide eyed, with a somewhat hopeful look. And he couldn't believe this was the first hokage. The man who stopped the war and build the hidden leaf village. Who defeated the strong and invincible Madara Uchiha and fearful nine tails. The man who was known as the god of shinobi. The same man who was staring at him so hopeful and almost begging look.

It cracked his heart.

And when he heard his broken voice he literally heard his heart breaking. "Really?"

Shisui sat up slowly and looked at him with gentle eyes, just like his personality. Facing him, he offered him a gentle, reassuring smile and reached for his hand. He hoped this was not considered weird. It was something he and itachi did for each other whenever one of them needed comforting.

"Times of war are definitely hard...only the strongest ones survive such thing. And only someone with a strong will and devotion can truly stop this war. It will be won't be easy. But if there is someone who I think it can end it, is you hashirama-sama. Only you can stop this war. And only you can bring peace to these lands.." he squeezed his hand softly.

"Shisui..." hashirama whispered quietly. His throat bobbed and his eyes glazed over with unshed tears. Only shisui has ever spoken those words to him. The way he confidently said he truly believes he was the only one capable to stop this war. The way those pretty eyes of his stared at him with such kindness and gentleness. It makes his chest fill with such warmth he has never ever felt before.

And just like that, strength and hope came back to him stronger than ever before. He could do this. He could truly do this, he thought determined. Shisui...shisui was trusting him. He believes in him. He can't let him down. He wouldn't let him down. Not this person. He would first cut off his arm before seeing those pretty black eyes stare at him with disappointment. He squeezed shisui's hand firmly.

Not more giving up. He will stop this war. Convince somehow Madara to sign the peace treaty. Even if he has to use the Uzumaki's help for it. And he will create that village Madara and him dreamed of once. And he will do it. He will do it with shisui by his side. Shisui..shisui will stay at his side. And will build that village with him.

Facing him and staring at those pair of pretty black eyes, he gave him the warmest smile he has ever given anyone before. His eyes who were once dull with no hope, were bright and full of color, strength, and determination that dazed shisui. So much, that he almost missed the next words.

"Thank you shisui." Hashirama's thumb caressed gently shisui's knuckles.


Hey guys!

I want to apologize for the long wait. I'm on vacation to another country, so my phone is basically useless in here. The only way it works is when I'm at my grandmas's house.

I will update every time I'm at her house. Although, my chapters will be short since I'm in vacation. Once I go back to the states it will go back to long chapters.

Anyways, announcement time!

Hashirama won the contest! So it will be a hashirama x shisui story. But I might mix a bit of Izuna here and there. I have to make hashirama jealous later on somehow! XD

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