Chapter thirteen

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So, I have read all of you guys comments and I'm grateful for all of them. I will try to please everyone to my best of my knowledge! Thank you so much for your thoughts! 💙

-2 days later-

"So..." Mito started. "What do you think about hashirama?"

Shisui stared blankly at her. "Well...he is a very extraordinary man. He is also very kind."

"Yes, he is." She agreed, while fanning herself. A minute of silence passed and shisui couldn't help but think it was awkward. Hashirama was currently doing some other business with tobirama and to be polite, he decided to make Mito company. It was also very good because things between hashirama and him were a bit awkward since the last two days. Specially, when he learned that it was hashirama the one that destroyed his previous room...

"So, it's true you are an uchiha." Mito continued snapping him out of his thoughts.

Shisui coughed a bit awkwardly. He thought with his physical looks was obvious he was an uchiha. "Yes, I am."

She nodded. "So..." she looked away. "You most know Madara uchiha, right?"

Of course he does. His dad, his clan, the hidden leaf village and the entire world knows about him. He was a legend. But Mito didn't need to know that. "Of course."

"What made you want to betray him?"

That question caught him off guard, and slightly offended him. It was true he was an uchiha, but he was a loyal leaf shinobi. Which means, he only follows orders by the hokage. He respected Madara and actually liked the man. But his loyalty resides in hashirama and tobirama. That's it.

"I did not betray him." He said calmly. "I was never part of the uchiha clan anyways."

Mito looked confused. "What do you mean?"

He hesitated, telling lies after lies could get him caught after a while. If he was going to lie, it most be a small, insignificant lie that he could easily remember. "My parents were born outside of the uchiha compound. I was born in a small civilian town and grew up in there. So, I never betrayed Madara. For I never swore loyalty to him anyways."

"So, your parents were traitors, then?"

For a moment, for one split moment, shisui felt something hot at the pit of his stomach. Something that he hadn't felt for a long time: anger. And then it vanished as if it wasn't there in the first place. But his jaw tightened and his brow furrowed indicating that he was still not pleased. The story about his parents was totally false. But that still doesn't change that she was talking about his parents. Now, he could see why hashirama didn't want to be with her. She was annoying.

Telling himself to relax, he smiled pleasantly at her, surprising her. "I guess that's just a matter of perspective, isn't it Mito-sama?"

Mito stayed quiet for a second, still surprised about his response. "I suppose so.."

A bit of silence passed between the two of them. "So..." Mito spoke after a while. "It seems like you and hashirama are pretty close."

Shisui glanced at her, then looked away. "Well...I suppose we are."

Mito nodded nonchalantly. "Well, have you ever met Madara?"

"Not in person."

"Do you think he is nice?" Mito asked curiously.

Shisui thought for a moment. "Well...I'm sure he has a nice side."

Mito nodded, then looked to the side uncomfortable. "Do you think...he has a lover?"

That made shisui really look at her. What kind of question is that? "Well, I'm sure he have had his nice shares of women before."

"...I guess so."

Silence once again engulfed them and while Mito was still fanning herself, shisui was still staring at her curiously. Like if he was trying to figure her out. For example he notice that she was somewhat unpleased with his answer. As if Madara having a lover bother her somehow.

"Mito-sama," shisui started hesitantly. "By any chance, do you have any sort of infatuation with Madara?"

Mito stopped fanning herself and stared at shisui surprised. "No. Of course not." She said tightly.

Shisui continued assessing her. "Because if you do, then-"

"What about you?" She interrupted sounding defensive.

"You seem to be following after hashirama as if you were a puppy following its owner. That seems kinda deviant to me, don't you think?"

He froze. what got her panties in a twist. He didn't say anything bad did he? It was no reason for her to offend him in that way. Besides he doesn't look like a puppy.

"I'm sure that's not the case." Shisui looked at her disapprovingly. "Hashirama is someone I greatly admire and respect. That's all."

"Um hmm.." she gave him a knowing look. "Sure. If you say so."

Shisui's left eyebrow twitched. It's been a long time since he last felt annoyed by a woman before. "I should now go and leave you to rest. Thank you for taking the time to converse with me." He said with false politeness.

Her eyes softened. "Of course. Thank you for your company."

Giving a final smile, he turned and left. No wonder hashirama couldn't stand talking to her. He was only there one hour, and he already feels a headache coming.

Now that he wasn't busy with Mito anymore, he would have gone to hashirama to chat with him. But since things between the two of them been awkward, he decided to just let him be and go to the garden. The garden was one of the few places that wasn't guarded, so it was a relief to go there. He already feels being stared at inside the house. Not by hashirama, of course not. But by tobirama. He has seen the albino a couple of times now, and he would always give him that look that was promising death if he tries anything funny. Too bad he was no longer intimidated. Not after what happened with izuna. That man was something else.

He reached the garden and laid on the grass lazily. He stared at the clouds and at the nature surrounding him. He loves nature. Watching the clouds and nature was one of his favorite pass times. It was something itachi and him used to do before, when they had the chance.

Thinking of itachi saddened him. He turned away from the clouds so he could lay on his side. His eyes staring blankly at the tree on the far corner. He was determined to surround himself in total depression with thoughts with itachi. When his eyes caught something yellow. Snapping himself out of his thoughts, he raised his head to look better and to his utter amazement and disbelief he discovered that they were eyes.

Yellow eyes were staring at him from the tree. It vanished completely before he could reach it. But it doesn't matter, he had seen it. They were yellow eyes. And they were staring straight at him.

What was that?


Hey guys!

First of all, I want to thank everyone for sharing their thoughts. I really, really appreciate it. It made me happy that you guys were taking the time to respond at all! So thank you!

I hoped you guys liked this chapter. It was a bit short from what I normally write. But that's because I'm so tired. I lost my flight. So I had to stay at the Atlanta airport to sleep. I didn't sleep AT ALL!

But anyways, once I recuperate it'll go back to the same length! Please don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed this chapter!

Thank you! 💙💙💙

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