Chapter thirty one

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Rin felt absolutely awful of how she had snapped back at shisui yesterday. It wasn't his fault that izuna was being so self-willed. Actually, she shouldn't have even been mad at all. Who was she to judge others based on their stubbornness? But because it was Kakashi's jutsu that was being shaded on that she have gotten offended. She had overreacted. And taken it off on poor shisui-chan. Now she owned him an apology.

Good thing it was a beautiful day today. After she apologizes, they could go out of the compound for a few hours. There was a new jutsu she've been working on, she was sure he would love to see it. And it would also work as a distraction for him. He needed a break after the uchiha fiasco and tobirama. Yes, that sounded like a good plan, she nodded to herself with a smile on her lips. He would be happy about that.

She stood outside of the main family's house, knocking softly on the wooden door, waiting for someone to open it. However, after a minute or two she didn't hear anyone approaching, which she thought it was odd. Furrowing her eyebrows confused, she let herself in murmuring a soft apology. "Excuse me."

The house was too quiet. Not even the sounds of maids working could be heard. Confusion turned to worry, and she didn't take her shoes off; not deeming it important. She quickened her steps walking straight to shisui's room. Not bothering to find out the reason why the house is so somber all of the sudden.

She passed by hashirama's room, a dark aura emitting from it. She stared at the door in silent concern, and strolled right pass it to Shisui's room. Wondering what has happened to the shodai to give off such an aura.

She knocked on Shisui's door, and waited. At this time in the morning she wouldn't be surprised to see him still sleep. Shisui was a heavy sleeper after all. So waiting enough to be considered politely, she opened the door. Only to quickly duck just in time to miss an object hitting her straight in the face.

With alarmed eyes she turned to face the culprit. Shisui was flickering here and there each time grabbing something different and stuffing it inside a plain looking bag. She couldn't see his face, but by his tense shoulders and the air he to seems to be giving off, she knew he was in a bad mood.

Not used to see him like that, it made her shy and almost hesitant to speak up. But she didn't need to say anything. After all, shisui had known it was her from the start. In a voice that she was certainly not used to, almost making her flinch on how cold it sounded.

"Gather you stuff and pack up. We're leaving."

That was the last thing she expected to hear from him. "W-What?" She stuttered out.

She felt air pass through her ear and she gasped, turning around and finding him there behind her. He was picking up the object he had thrown at her, it was her shirt.

She furrowed her eyebrows, wondering why her shirt was in there in the first place. "We are leaving." Shisui said throwing her the shirt roughly. She cringed back at his rudeness.

"Shi-chan, what's wrong?" She scrunched her eyebrows worriedly. Was he mad because of how she had acted yesterday? If so, she needed to apologize immediately. "If this is about yesterday, then I'm sorry. I overreacted."

Shisui paused at that, back still facing her, but she saw his shoulders sagging down in defeat. "You did nothing wrong rin." He murmured so softly, she almost missed it.

She felt relieved at that and walked towards him, placing a hand on his back in comfort. "Then what's bothering you?"

She could have sworn she saw his shoulders trembling slightly. She bit her lower lip. Yes, something was definitely wrong here. "Talk to me," she prompted further. "Please tell me what's upsetting you shi-chan." 

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