Chapter twenty three

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Hello guys! Here is another chapter, I hope you guys like it!


Rin stared up at the ceiling with a blank, contemplative look on her face. Shisui's words still sounding very clear on her mind. "I don't think you understand. When I ask you to help me, I expect you to help me. Not to break down and cry yourself to sleep."

They were harsh words indeed. But they were true. And it was something rin needed to hear. When she first came back to the past, she had been so confused, so lonely, so scared, so heartbroken. She didn't have known what to do. Without obito and Kakashi she could hardly do anything on her own or so she thought.

So she wandered around.

She went many places, scared and starved. Her money wasn't worth anything in the past. She was only so grateful to Minato-sensei for teaching her how to defend herself. She wasn't the best ninja. Hardly. Her taijutsu was not even worth praising. She knew no ninjutsu and her speed was mediocre.

The only thing she had, was her medical ninjutsu and her intelligence. Her medical ninjutsu was what saved her. After all, there were hardly any medical ninjas in this era. Maybe that was the reason why she got so lucky to be accepted in the senju clan.

It took her time to get used to it though. The horrors of the war, was much worse in here than in her previous time. She had also not been experienced enough to treat some of the injuries. And to make matters worse, it took her a while to get the trust of the people. Scared that she might be kicked out, she tried to expand her knowledge and asked the shodaime for help whenever she could. He was a really kind person, she felt like she was talking to Minato-sense regarding her insecurities.

With no missions, no hokage, no village, it gave her time to think about herself. She came to the conclusion that she had been such an idiot. She cried herself to sleep when she realized how much pain she most have put Kakashi through, just because she couldn't think of another solution to save her village. And shisui, the little boy she got to cared for as if he was her little brother...she never got to see him one last time.

But most of all, obito.

She thought that when she died she would meet obito again. That they would be together again. Jokes on her because she got the total opposite of it. She cried over obito and all the time she had been so stupid to realize how much he had loved her. Her stupid infatuation prevented her from noticing him. Yes, she did not loved Kakashi. She never did. It took her to die and go back to the past to realize this. She had been confused and mixed the feeling of admiration for Kakashi for one of love.

She loved obito. She always did, but she realized too late. Obito was dead. Gone. And even if she ended her life just then, she wouldn't reunite with him. Because obito wasn't born yet.

And that was when rin lost all her hope. She lost the hope of ever seeing anyone again. She lost hope on seeing obito. But most of all, she lost the chance of ever telling him how much she loved him. And that's when she lost hope on herself.

But never in a million years thought she would ever see shisui again. And apparently him neither. They cried, they kissed, and they hugged. But when he told her about what had happened after her death. She lost it, and before she knew it she was crying herself to sleep once again. She felt so guilty for what she put Kakashi through.

How inconsiderate of her though.

Shisui lost his loved ones too. He was in a new world where he knew no one and could trust no one. She had been in his shoes before. She had known how it felt. So she waited until he would break down crying like she had done, to comfort him. But that never happened. He never even once shed a tear or looked hopeless. No, he instead knew his priorities. He knew what to do. He had a plan, and he needed her help.

He was doing everything she wished she had done. He was everything she wanted to be as a proud shinobi of the leaf.

Her hands clenched in a fist. She had been useless in her previous time. Now she was being useless again. Crying, giving up without trying first. She was going to let shisui down, just how she let obito and Kakashi down as well. She couldn't do that anymore. Not when he needed her this much, not when many people depend on this too.

Shisui had awaken the shinobi on her again. She had lost the fire that existed a long time ago in her, but she has regained it. And now this time she will do the saving.

She stood up, eyes burning with the determination she had once lost.

A long time ago, the rin obito knew had wanted to study under Tsunade of the Sannin. Now, it was downright impossible. Yet, now she has the knowledge from the future.

So now Tsunade will have to learn from her.


Hello guys! This is a short chapter, but I updated faster than before! This chapter was about rin. I feel like she needed some screen time as well.

I hope you guys liked this chapter! Please vote and comment if you did!

Thank you!

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