Chapter sixteen

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Sorry for the long wait! Thank you for the patience!

Shisui and hashirama stared at each other for few seconds, before hashirama cleared his throat uncomfortably. "Sorry to interrupt." He said quietly and slammed the door shut.

There was only everlasting silence on the room after hashirama left. And rin waited patiently for Shisui to break it, but when that didn't happened any time soon, she got tired of it. She turned her head to look at shisui, only to find him staring at the door with a blank expression. "Aren't you going to explain it to him?" She asked worried.

Finally moving his eyes from the door, shisui gave her the same blank look. "There is nothing to explain."

Rin frowned. "Now, don't say that. What about if he got the wrong idea?"

"Why would he get the wrong idea? We weren't doing anything bad."

"Shisui," rin started, looking disapprovingly. "You are a man and I'm a woman sitting alone in a room while hugging. Anyone that had no clue what we were talking about would get the wrong idea. I mean, did you see hashirama-sama's face?"

Of course he saw his face. He saw the way his eyes had widened, the way his jaw clenched slightly, and the way his fingers twitched. Yet, he didn't get it. He didn't get why he most go up to him and explain. He hasn't done anything wrong. Even if he feels like he has.

When he didn't say anything, rin continued. "People in here, are old fashioned. So what we did must have looked bad in his eyes. Only married couples are supposed to do stuff like that," she paused briefly. "Maybe it doesn't bother you shisui, but I don't want him to think that...I'm that type of women. You know, that...will throw herself to men. This is lord first, I don't want him to think bad of me," she looked at him pleadingly. "Will you talk to him for me, please?"

Even if Shisui didn't want to admit it, deep inside him, he didn't want to talk to hashirama. The last few days have been awkward for the both of them. And now, things are even more awkward and complicated than ever. But one look at rin's face wavered his walls, and with a soft hesitating sigh, he nodded.

"Alright...I'll talk to him."

Rin was obviously pleased by this. "Thank you. I'll be waiting for you here." She smiled sweetly at him and bid him goodbye for now.

As he walked over to hashirama's room, he thought about what's he going to say. And came up with nothing. And worst of all, he felt nervous. His throat was closing up and his mind was completely blank.

'If I were itachi," he thought. 'What would I say? How would I handle this situation?' Because one thing he knows for sure, itachi always had the answers to every situation. He was just perfect that way. Wise beyond his years and very much experience, not only in shinobi skills but in life itself. He was an old soul.

He pressed his lips together in a firm line, and shook his head getting rid off those thoughts. No, that wasn't going to work. He couldn't think like itachi, even if his life depended on it. Besides, he couldn't just act like someone else. Hashirama didn't deserved that. He didn't deserve words that was coming from someone else mouth, but from himself. That man was pure kindness. Was he going to repay him by insulting him that way?

Shisui's eyebrows curled down sadly. When did he became such a coward, that he needs to act like someone else to help him redeem his past mistake? 'What mistake? I didn't do anything wrong.' It didn't matter, the point was that it unacceptable. 'This is getting ridiculous.' He thought irked with himself. It was hashirama, sweet, happy, kind hashirama. It wasn't tobirama. It definitely wasn't izuna. There was not need for him to be this nervous, nor for him to overthink this.

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