Chapter twenty nine

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The first thing hashirama did as soon as he saw him walk through the door, was to hug him real tight. He even went as far as to lift him off the floor, much to his embarrassment. Shaking out his embarrassment, he reciprocated the gesture with pleasure. He managed to complete his promise at last, but just barely. He had wasted most of his time looking for rin, only for said girl to tell him that one of the villages had ushered her to hiding as well.

He was home, his mind confirmed. He hadn't realized when he had view the Senju clan as his home, but it felt nice and warm knowing he has something to get back to. 'Or in this case' he hugged hashirama tighter. 'Someone.'

"I'm so glad you're safe." Hashirama spoke after a few minutes of mutual silence. He caressed his head, burying his fingers into his wild hair, as if he was something precious. "I was so worried."

Shisui hummed gently, face buried in hashirama's neck. The man's scent was literally the most pleasant thing he has ever smelled before. He smelled like home. "...told you I would be fine." He murmured against his neck, tugging at his hair playfully.

"That didn't make me worry any less," his friend retorted. "Nothing that concerns the uchiha clan, can go 'as planned'."

Shisui should have known hashirama knew where he was going. This was the shodaime hokage after all, he was no fool. But that doesn't mean he wasn't surprised.

"How?" He asked calmly, tugging at his hair again. "I would like to think I was discreet enough."

"You are very easy to read shisui," hashirama tightened his arms around him. "Besides it didn't feel right."

Shisui close his eyes, savoring the moment. 'It didn't feel right to be away from him indeed.'

"Well I'm home now." He said instead. Now that he was here, he could finally rest and decide what to do next.

Hashirama felt warm when he heard the word 'home' come out from Shisui's lips. It warms his heart knowing that Shisui pictures his home as his as well. He sighed, squeezing him tighter. He had been so worried, he hadn't been able to sleep. And the worse of all, was that tobirama came back from his mission and immediately noticed shisui was missing. He just hopes his brother have bought the lie he had told him.

He gently pulled away from shisui and examined his face closely. He wanted to make sure he was perfectly fine. He seems to be completely normal except from the tender skin around his nose. He ran a chakra coated hand around the area. Yes, the skin seems to be well healed, but as his chakra went in deeper, the bone seems to be a bit swollen. Whoever has healed it had underestimated the amount of damaged the area had gone through, and just cured the bone, thinking that should be enough. But as long as the nerves were in pain, the nose will continue to be in discomfort. He was surprised that someone like rin had missed something like that, but none the less angry.

His finger pressed in gently, drawing a flinch of pain from shisui. His brows furrowed. "What happened to your nose?"

Shisui grinned sheepishly. "Well like you said, nothing concerning the uchiha goes 'as planned.'"

"Who was it?" If his voice didn't send chills down his back, his eyes definitely did. And in that moment he realized that he didn't hate hikaku that much.

"Oh don't worry," he shrugged his shoulder, playing it cool. "The guy ended up way worse than I did, believe me."

Hashirama's fierce look didn't wavered, but he did pull him closer. "Let me see," he gestured his nose.

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