Chapter twenty one

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Hello everyone! I'm also sorry for the long wait, many things have happened.

Btw, the pic 🔝 is how I view izuna and Madara. Handsome, isn't he? ❤️

With no more to say, ENJOY!


Rin awoke to the sound of furniture turning and drawers slamming close. She saw shisui in a hurry turning chairs and tables upside down.

"What's wrong?" She asked, as she sat up on the bed.

"I lost the paper." He answered with an anxious look on his face.


Taking out a drawer, he turned it upside down and dumped its contents on the floor. When he didn't see anything of importance, he threw the drawer on the ground as an act of stress.

"Yes rin, the paper! It was were I had written up everything that we need it to do."

The bite in his voice made rin recoiled a bit. Of course, she remembers now, and felt stupid to have asked.

"...I'm sorry." She apologized. She decided not to take it to heart, after all he was stressed. "Where could you have possibly left it?"

Shisui sighed exasperated. "I don't know rin. If I knew, I wouldn't be destroying the room."

Igoning his snarky remark, she asked. "What places where you last in?"

Something flashed in shisui's eyes, too fast for her to read, but too slow for her to have imagined it.

"It's not there." He said instead.

"But have you looked-"

"How are you feeling?" He asked her, to change the subject. It actually worked.

Rin glanced away too quiet all of the sudden. "...I'll be okay."

He nodded. "Good, because we are losing time."

Rin immediately glanced up. "What do you mean?"

He stared out of the window a contemplative air around him, and rin waited patiently for him.

"I have been here for almost two months now, and in these two months I have done nothing, and gained nothing. More problems seem to pile up every time, to the point that I realized that I can't do this on my own," He turned away from the window and fixed his eyes on her. His look determined, yet somehow, pleadingly. "I need your help rin. I can't do this on my own."

"But shisui," she started, looking confused and sad at the same time. "I thought I told you I was going to help you. Or at least it was obvious that you are not doing this on your own."

He ran a hand through his hair, sighing tiredly. "I supposed, yes."

"So? What's the problem?" She continued. "What are you asking-"

"I don't think you understand." He cut in. "When I ask you to help me, I expect you to help me. Not to break down and cry yourself to sleep."

She tensed.

"I...I know that you are going through something difficult," he murmured softly. "But if you are really going to help me I need you to put your feeling to the side. I can't have them ruin my plans, rin."

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