Chapter twelve

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Oh my...! You guys really loved the interaction with izuna, didn't you? Don't worry, I loved it too! I enjoyed writing izuna so much! Can't wait to write him again! Love you guys comments btw..! ❤️

It was night time by the time he got back to the senju compound.

He jumped back inside his room, trying not to make any sound. To his utter shock, he found his room in a disarray destroyed state. His bed was turned over, blankets scattered on the floor. His closet was absolutely destroyed and clothes teared apart.


Shisui was not someone who cursed, but right now that's the only thing going through his mind. Seriously, today was not his day. He had almost been killed and he comes back to find his room in this state. How was he going to explain this to hashirama?

Groaning, he slumped over the floor putting his head on his knees. He had been planning on going to sleep when he came back, but how was he going to sleep when his room got literally destroyed. He couldn't help but remember a movie itachi and him watched once. It was about a couple. The girl left the guy and the guy in a fit of fury destroyed their room. Ironically enough, it almost seems familiar to this.

Of course, he has no girlfriend so it couldn't have been that. Letting out a tired sigh, he stood up from the floor. Probably someone that hates him wants to blame him on this, so hashirama would get pissed and kick him out the compound. The first person he thought of was tobirama. Yet, he doubted he would stoop so low as to do this.

He has to tell hashirama about this though. It wouldn't look good on him if he suddenly shows up and sees it. Hesitantly going out of his room, he knocked on hashirama's door. He waited patiently for hashirama to show up, but after a minute or two of not showing up, he knocked again. By the third time he got worried and with a little of hesitation he slowly opened the door. Closing it behind him, he had trouble of seeing through the dark room.

Why in the world is so dark?

He knew it was night time so obviously it was dark, but there was not even one bit of light. Like the light suddenly vanished and that was weird, because he has been in hashirama's room before and it wasn't like that. He couldn't help but turn on his sharingan so he could see better through the dark.

"Hashirama-sama?" He called spotting the back of said brunette. With his sharingan he noticed that his chakra was a bit unstable. Worried, he walked up to him. "Hashirama-sama what's wrong?"

No response. It was like hashirama wasn't even aware he was inside his room. Definitely worried now, he gently grabbed his shoulder. "Hashirama-sama?"

The sudden turn of hashirama's head caused shisui to jump unexpectedly. His eyes widened when he caught sight of hashirama's face. His eyes were wide with tears streaming down on his face.


"Ha-hashirama-sama?" He called uncertain.

Hashirama stared at him deeply, and a sudden move he was wrapped up in a tight hug. His face was crushed against hashirama's chest. He felt hashirama's body trembling against his and he knew something was definitely wrong for him to act this way. He hugged him back and waited patiently for him to speak.

" left." Hashirama mumbled tightly.

Shisui's eyes went wide in realization.

"..I didn't believe them," he continued. " I waited for didn't come back..."

Shisui bit his lower lip with guilt. If only he wouldn't have gotten reckless...he wouldn't have worried hashirama like this.

"...I'm sorry," he apologized. "...I just wanted to get out for a bit...I would have let you know..but you were busy with Mito...and I didn't want to intrude.."

"You wouldn't have intrude!" In a sudden move hashirama pushed him away abruptly and took hold of his shoulders. "If you wanted a bit of freedom, I would have giving it to you. You didn't have to just disappear like that! Do you have any idea how I felt when you suddenly disappeared?!"


"No you don't!" Hashirama yelled.

"I'm sorry-"

"You damned right better be!"

Shisui choked on his next words. He didn't know hashirama that long. But he was sure the shodai wasn't someone who cursed very easily. He didn't even know the shodai was capable of getting this angry.

"...I'm so sorry." He said quietly. "I know me saying it is not enough. But I'm really really sorry," he bowed his head in shame. "...please forgive me."

Shisui felt tears slowly leave his eyes. And another wave of shame hit him. Seriously, how in the world was he going to show hashirama that he was a strong shinobi, if he couldn't even get a hold of his emotions. He fucked twice today. He should have never gone outside the compound and worried hashirama like that. What was he thinking? Seriously, how in the world had he been known as the strongest uchiha in his timeline, if he acts like child. And to make it worse in front of the first hokage. He balled his fists. He was such a failure. Why was he sent here? To fuck it up again?

Shisui jerked back however, when he felt soft lips on his forehead. He was grabbed by the back of his head and pushed against hashirama's chest. He gasped in surprise.

"Shisui...please don't cry," he heard hashirama a top of his head. "...I can't stand it."

Shisui stood frozen against hashirama's chest.

He felt hashirama nuzzling his head lovingly, his hand running through his hair. "..I'm sorry I yelled at you...I just...I thought you left. I thought you left me.."

"I didn't believe it at first..but then it got dark. And you still didn't come back...I got scared."

Shisui's lower lip trembled. He was feeling very sad and disappointed in himself. Yet...he was also feeling happy. His head was feeling dizzy and his chest felt heavy. His body felt hot. He was hot.

He exhaled, his eyes closing tiredly and he leaned against hashirama. "...I didn't planned on coming back this late. I got lost after a while. And ironically enough, I ended up fighting against Izuna I definitely lost track of time there.."

Hashirama's body went tense when he mentioned izuna. He pushed shisui away, this time gently however. "Are you okay?! Are you hurt?! Did he hurt you?!"

Shisui turned his head to the other side, still ashamed, and shook his head. " I'm fine."

Hashirama gently cupped his face and turned it to face him. "Shisui...I told you before, that you didn't have to feel ashamed. Remember?"

"How can I not?" Shisui grabbed his hand and took it away from his face. "I failed you. You are disappointed in me." He turned away.

Hashirama grabbed his arm and pulled him towards him. "No, you didn't." He kissed his forehead softly. "You could never disappoint me." He kissed him again. "You are a miracle shisui." He kissed his cheek. "You are a miracle to me." He nuzzled his hair lovingly.

Shisui's eyes glazed over. His chest contracted painfully against his ribcage. How is it that this man could say such beautiful words. The way hashirama makes him feel was unexplainable. He didn't understand it. He didn't understand him.

But he still closed his eyes and hugged him back.



Hey guys!

So this chapter was written at the last minute lol. I'm back to the US this Tuesday so I'm trying to post as much as I can, before I lose the WiFi.

I hope you guys liked this chapter! I tried to make it romantic ☺️ without being too cheesy. If you guys find it too cheesy and don't like plz tell me.

Please vote and comment! I love hearing your thoughts!

Thank you!

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