Part One: New Client

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It's the start of the day and a certain Evergarden wakes up from her usual slumber. She changes out of her clothes and walks down the stairs. She bows and greets the hired maids and butlers there in the house as she gets some light breakfast and heads for the door.

"Morning Violet!" were said by the neighbours and bystanders as she walked to the CH Post Company, where she worked as an Auto Memory Doll.

As she enter through the company doors, she was greeted by the President of the Company, Mr. Claudia Hodgins.

"Violet, great you're here. A mystery client asked for you in this address." he said, showing the paper. "Do you mind going today?"

"No problem, Mr. Hodgins" said Violet. She gave him a short bow then exited the place, where she headed to the given address.

When she arrived at the address, she sincerely knock on the door. As the door opened, she was greeted by the man who said the words that took place in her heart. She smiled at him remembering what the words he said were.

'I love you.'

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