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From confronting a mafia to protect his best friend, to becoming a mafia boss and falling in love with one.

That was something Yoongi never expected to happen in his life.

When he made those things in school where you mapped out what you think your life would look like in the future, being apart of a mafia wasn't one of them.

He dropped out of college when his mom trained him to become a mafia boss, something he didn't think he'd do.

Yoongi's life didn't go how he wanted it to, not even in the slightest.

And he was happy about that.

If SeokJin had never taken that hard drive, if he didn't go to Yoongi that night, the younger may have never met Hoseok, the love of his life, or found out the truth about his family.

"Thank you," Yoongi said, causing Seokjin to furrow his perfect eyebrows in confusion.

"For what?"

"Being dumb," this comment caused Jin to throw one of the snacks he had made at Yoongi's beautiful face.

The two had met up at SeokJins home, the elder making treats for them as they talked like they would have before. Where they met up and would just talk about everything to anything, just now their lives were extremely different.

Yoongi laughed, explaining what he meant, "Thank you for taking the hard drive and coming to me for help, if it weren't for that night I may have never met Hoseok or became a mafia boss.".

Jin smiled, "I thank myself for doing that too," the elder laughed, staring into his cup of tea with a smile, "I may have never fallen in love with Joon and Tae if I didn't."

The two chuckled, Seokjin finally breaking the silence they basked in by saying, "enough with this sappy shit!"

Yoongi laughed, "should we watch a movie?"

Jin nodded eagerly, one of his perfect smiles appearing on his face, "I'll order pizza."

"I'll get the movie set."

It really was same boys, same relationship, just new lives and new statuses.


"An alliance, I really would have never seen that coming," Han chuckled, taking a bite of his spicy pork.

Hoseok lightly chuckled, spinning his spoon in his coffee, "I would've never seen how my life is now coming."

Han laughed at that, wiping the corner of his lips. The two were at a small restaurant, it was mainly empty so Hoseok didn't really have to worry about the authorities or cameras.

"You think it's funny but I'm serious," Hoseok insisted, pointing an accusing finger at the older man, "I thought I was going to die alone, leaving my mafia to whomever I thought was fit for the job. Falling in love wasn't part of that future plan I had set."

"Well, are you angry it happened?" Han asked, leaning his head on his hand.

Hoseok quickly shook his head, "not even close, I love Yoongi more than anything."

"Then don't be so gloomy about it," the older man told, leaning back in his seat, "life gave you this, gave you him, to probably make your life better."

Hoseok nodded at the older man's words, now thinking about his adorable boyfriend who he was head over heels for. Or, as you can say, whipped for.

When Hoseok first met Yoongi, he knew from the beginning he wouldn't be someone who he could just forget about. Though, he didn't think it'd be in a romantic way.

"She'd be so proud of you," Han said, breaking Hoseok away from his thoughts.

"Who would?" Hoseok inquired, there were many 'shes' that could be proud of him, his sister, his mother, or Ceelia.

"Ceelia," Han clarified, "she'd be proud to see you happy with someone, especially someone as great as Yoongi."

Hoseok smiled, imagining the fond expression on the females face if she was alive to see where Hoseok was today.

"Thank you, Han," the mafia boss showed his gratitude by bowing to the older male, "for everything."

The older man nodded, pulling Hoseok into a hug, whispering in the males ear, "thank you for allowing love into your life, I'm glad you're happy."


When Yoongi and Hoseok thought about their lives in the future, nothing that has happened was in that plan. They weren't in each others plans. But they were beyond happy that what happened, happened.

The mafia boss falling in love with the innocent boy.

It sounds cliché. 

But Hoseok and Yoongi's story was far from that story they saw in the movies or what you see on TV shows. It was full of twists, and secrets they wouldn't have thought of.

A blood rose, the blood sinning the innocent petals of the beautiful flower. Seeping into the cracks between the petal, adding something more.

Yoongi was the Rose, beautiful and innocent when it came to the mafia world. Hoseok was the blood, seeping into the cracks and sinning the flower, adding that something more.

"You're not funny," Yoongi remarked as he and Hoseok drove to a meeting place in Daegu, the two going to meet with a foreign mafia boss.

Hoseok had just described how Yoongi would react whenever he teased him, and was now laughing his ass off about it.

"I'm hilarious, sweetheart," Hoseok commented, noticing the nickname he'd given Yoongi over time.

He didn't know why he always called Yoongi sweetheart, all he did know was he loved calling him it and wouldn't be stopping.

Yoongi was going to say something to Hoseok, but was cut off by the sound of bullets hitting the back of Hoseoks car.

The younger mafia boss looked at the window that showed behind the car, a white car was behind them, someone shooting a gun from the window.

Hoseok smirked, putting the car in full gear, now stepping on the gas to go full speed; swerving around to cause the car to crash.

Only for another one to appear.

"You ready, sweetheart?" Hoseok asks with a grin, staring at his lover with admiration, the male speeding up the car once again.

Yoongi looks at the man he fell in love with, the man he would never trade, he takes the safety off his gun, a smile on his face, and says, "Let's kill these motherfuckers." 

The end

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