🌹59 ~ Doors

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Yoongi assumed what she meant by the HOPE mafia was here for him, was Taehyung, NamJoon, and a couple of the mafia's minions. He didn't believe the boss was here for him, not after how they ended things off. 

Haseul looked back at the door, then looked back to Yoongi, "You're not getting out of here alive," she told him before exiting to probably go help her gang in the fight against two damn mafias. 

The mint haired male chuckled, letting himself lay on the ground, he stared up at the ceiling, "I should have said that to her," he mumbled, knowing very well this gang wouldn't survive a fight against Hope and Noir.

Hell, he didn't think anyone could.


"You know the plan, Hoseok gets Yoongi and exits, while we fight these bitches then blow this place to pieces on Hoseoks signal," Ji spoke into the ear piece, driving her red car around the area and shooting whoever she saw trying to escape the perimeter. 

Huta and Jimin doing the same, Huta was in his silver car while Jimin was on his motorcycle, just they were on different sides since it was a fairly large area. 

"I still say it's bullshit that you guys had me go and get Yoongi when anyone of you could have done it," Hoseok complained, already inside the building and killing any bitch that wanted to get in his way. 

Ji smirked, "suck it up Hope, you're the best fighter and can get him without many issues."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, I'll tune in again when I have Yoongi."

With that Hoseok shut off his ear piece, the male moving cautiously around the building. He was by himself in the area he had stumbled upon, the rest of his people moving somewhere else. Of course, if they found Yoongi first then they would be the ones to leave with him and alert Hoseok. 

Though Hoseok was really hoping he'd be the one to get to Yoongi and bring him back. 

Not because he wanted to see the mint haired male, but because he knew he would be the best fit to get Yoongi out. Then why was he complaining? He wanted to get Yoongi, he'd rather be getting Yoongi, but that doesn't mean he wanted everyone else to know that. 

"Hope, it's nice to see the infamous mafia boss in the flesh," he heard a female voice behind him say, turning around he saw a girl with dark brown hair. 

He rolled his eyes, "I'm assuming you want to kill me?"

The girl giggled, "Surprise, surprise."

With a sigh Hoseok took out his gun, but before he could shoot the girl she kicked it out of his hands with her long ass legs. "Oh, fuck off!" Hoseok groaned, taking out one of his daggers and now really fighting this girl. 

His dagger glided against her thigh, causing the female to hiss from the pain but it didn't cause her to fall. She kicked down Hoseok with one of her long ass legs, the male quickly got up again, not expecting another female to grab him from behind and press a knife against his throat. 

"You should know this gang is pretty big, Hope, we thought it wouldn't be this easy," the girl holding Hoseok laughed, pressing the knife harder, the other girl now holding a gun. 

Hoseok chuckled, hearing the light footsteps he could recognize anywhere, "that's cause it isn't."

Jimin came from behind the female, using her back as a stool to jump over her and Hoseok and get the female who was holding the gun, the male too fast and to swift for her to do any real damage to him or anything about it. He took the gun out of her hands and shot her in the head. 

While Jimin was doing this, Hoseok used his legs and body weight to take the female behind him and flip her down on the ground, grabbing the dagger that was in his thigh gard, he stabbed her in the throat. 

The, now pink haired male, smirked at Hoseok, "it feels nice to be fighting again."

Jimin wouldn't fight much for the mafia since he was with Jungkook and didn't want to do anything too suspicious. So he mainly kept to raids and shit, not doing much of the dirty work. But now that he and Jungkook weren't together and he was doing it, he didn't realize how much he missed it. 

Hoseok chuckled, "i'm glad you are," the orange haired male wiped at the bit of blood on his neck. He looked back at Jimin and gave him a small smile, "now if you don't mind me, I have a Yoongi to find."

Jimin smiled at that, nodding as he ran off. 

He only hoped he'd be the one to find Yoongi.

As he ran down the corridors, he stumbled upon a door that looked odd, almost like a person was inside. 

A dagger ready in his hand, Hoseok took a deep breath and opened the door. 


SeokJin surprised NamJoon and Taehyung at his ability to fight. The blond had no remorse to the females and others that were coming their way trying to kill them, if anything, it gave him more power in killing them. 

The three ran around the area, Jin hoping to find Yoongi and see if his best friend was hurt gravely or not. And if he was, he sure as hell would be doing more than just killing these bitches. He'd rip them limp by limp until there is-

"Jin!" NamJoon yelled over the gunshots and screaming, the blond snapping his head in NamJoon's direction. 

"Yes?" he asked, looking to see that Taehyung was gone. "Where is Tae-"

"Jimin just drove by and picked him up, they needed to go make sure everything was set.
"Baby," NamJoon stared at Jin with concern, placing his hand on the male's waist, "did you really not notice?"

Jin slowly shook his head, "I just really want to find Yoongi, and that's eating away at me thinking or even noticing anything else."

NamJoon nodded, "then let's help find him."

The area they had Yoongi in was fairly large, full of multiple doors. Jin continued to open more and more doors, along with NamJoon, to try and find Yoongi. Until he saw one that really caught his eye. 

Jin gestured towards the door, NamJoon nodding as he held his gun out incase anything, or one, was in there. The younger nodded towards SeokJin, signaling for the elder to go ahead and open the door. 

Which is exactly what he did. 

I am Hobi biased ;)

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