🌹5 ~ He's cute

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“Where the fuck is that hard drive!”

“You better calm the fuck down before I kick your ass,” Yoongi warned the tall purple haired male, who continued to yell in frustration.

“Yoongi,” Tae began, seating himself across from the mint-haired male, “we need that harddrive more then you think, it has-”

“Important information on it that you guys really need, I know!” Yoongi finished for him, “but the last place I saw it was in the kitchen and now it's gone.”

“Well was there anyone else in the kitchen, besides you and SeokJin, that you remember?” NamJoon asked, irritation in his tone.

The mint haired male thought about this, the last people being there were YoonJi and August.

“My twin siblings, but they wouldn’t take it,” Yoongi crossed his arms.

Jin made a sound that alerted all their attention, the type of sound you make when you're disagreeing with something, “Well, Yoongi, I wouldn’t put it past Ji Noona, she gets… curious.”

The mint haired male glared at SeokJin, though he knew the blond was right. YoonJi was notorious for stealing something then returning it like she had found it instead of stolen it.

“Okay, so what if Ji has it, what am I sup- WHAT THE HELL JIN!” Yoongi shouted in pain when Jin touched the open wound on his elbow.

“How did this happen?”

“I bumped into this guy when I was walking home,” Yoongi replied, looking at the scrap he recieved from falling on the concrete.

Tae and Joon snapped their heads in his direction, “what did he look like?” they asked in unison.

“Sun tattoo under his ear, a bit near where his pulse is. He had pitch black hair,” the mint-haired male described, Jin a bit surprised by the fact that Yoongi paid enough attention to notice the tattoo and even its exact position.

“FUCK!” Taehyung yelled, standing up along with NamJoon.

Jin and Yoongi gave them odd looks, “what’s wrong?”

“Why the hell is he even out? I thought he had someone to meet today,” Taehyung whispered to NamJoon, the male shaking his head.

“The real question is, why is he so close to where we are?” Joon muttered, looking over at the two guys who were staring at them both.

“We’re leaving, but you need to get that hard drive back, and tell us when you have it,” Joon stated with authority, Yoongi rolling his eyes while Jin nodded.


“You were watching us,” NamJoon complained, Hoseok shrugging.

“What’d you expect? It wasn’t like I went to the apartment and did anything, all I did was bump into the short mint one.”

“Yoongi,” Taehyung informed, the black haired male humming.

“He’s cute,” Hoseok smirked, imagining the pale boy with the pretty mint hair, he had meant to bump into Yoongi, thankfully not causing to much injury.

NamJoon and Tae pursed their lips.

“Now,” Hoseok began, standing up, “where’s the hard drive?”

Hoseok glared at both of them, realizing right away that they didn’t have it, since they remained silent, nd he was pissed.

He sighed to himself, walking out of his office without giving the red and purple haired men a glance.

“Want something done right, you gotta do it yourself.” he muttered, his workers bowing when he walked by them.


The mint haired male walked to his brother and sister’s shared apartment, his hands stuffed in his pockets as he did so. Goddamn it SeokJin, Yoongi thought to himself, he hated going over his siblings place.

When arrived at their place, he began knocking loudly on the door three times before someone finally opened it.

That person being his elder brother, who was shirtless with a smirk, “Hey Yoongs, what are you doing here?”

“Where’s Ji?” the younger cut right to the chase, not really wanting to be near his siblings more then he had too.

“Her room.”

Yoongi walked past his brother, entering his elder sisters room without an announcement. YoonJi was thankfully just doing her makeup, Yoongi just going straight into her room.

“Where’s the hard drive you stole from my place, Ji?”

The elder female sighed, finishing up her lips before turning to Yoongi, “you found out? Aw, I wanted a bit more fun,” she pouted mockingly.

“Just give it to me Ji,” the younger was becoming annoyed, his sister rolling her eyes as she grabbed it from her drawer.

“Here crybaby,” she threw it at him, Yoongi catching it easily.

He quickly left his siblings apartment without a second glance.

What do y’all think of Ji and August?

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