🌹70 ~ You never know

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Hoseok woke up from his sleep groggily, instantly noticing the lack of a small male next to him.

Looking around he noticed the note that Yoongi had left.

Thanks for the sex, it was great, but don't wait up
~ Yoongi

Hoseok chuckled at the note, "someone's gotten brave," he said.

Laying back on his bed Hoseok stared up at the ceiling.

"Oh how I've changed you Min Yoongi," he thought out loud, now getting up and getting ready for his day.


When Yoongi entered his home, he wasn't surprised to see Ji waiting for him on the couch.

"Looks like someone had fun," she commented with a smirk, earning a middle finger from Yoongi in return. "Hoseok, huh?"

Yoongi gave his sister a bored expression, "who else would it have been Yoonji?"

"Well I don't know, you could have seen someone else!" she yelled in defense to what Yoongi said. 

The mafia boss rolled his eyes as he went to his bathroom to take a warm bath and some pain medicine.

As Yoongi laid in the warm bath water, he gazed down at the hickeys that Hoseok had made on him earlier. He smirked at himself when thought about what he did.

"He deserved it," he told himself, glad he left Hoseok to wake up alone.

Hopefully sending the message that he wasn't the same weak boy from before, now he was someone who was even threatening Hoseoks mafia position.

Yoongi thought to himself as he gazed at the bubbles, "I wonder what it'd be like to over power the Hope mafia?"

Though of course, he knew not to do that. No matter how much Hoseok does, or use to, love him, he doesn't think that over powers the love and pride Hoseok felt for his mafia.

And Yoongi most definitely didn't want to be on that black list.


"Looks like we all had fun last night," Jimin chuckled as he looked at the other men in the room with smirks, some having noticeable hickeys while the others just seemed like they fucked someone.

Hoseok rolled his eyes as Tae and Namjoon only smirked at what he was already implying.

"Let's be honest here," Tae began, seated next to his boyfriend, "I really didn't expect Yoongi to become a mafia boss."

"Or Jungkook to become a mafia member," Hoseok chimed in, "now that to me was the most surprising."

Namjoon furrowed his eyebrows, "so you expected Yoongi to become a mafia boss?"

"Not a boss per say, but apart of a mafia definitely," Hoseok responded, the others nodding at that.

Namjoon suddenly using his brain and IQ of 148 to say, "why don't you make an alliance with Crimson?"

Hoseok chuckled, "no, Yoongi wouldn't do it."

"Why not?" Jimin pondered.

The orange haired male sighed, grabbing one of his daggers and playing with it, "I broke him when we were together, he wouldn't want to be allied with me even if it meant power."

"You never know," Tae commented, shrugging as he leaned into Namjoon, "Yoongi could need a favor one day and come to you for help."

Hoseok scoffed, "I highly doubt that, but alright Taehyung."


"BlackVelvet?" Yoongi exclaimed as he sat up in his seat, "are you fucking serious? These bitches are still going at it?"

Seonghwa shrugged as he stared at his cousin, helping Yoongi out with his mafia sometimes, "I guess so, you have to think they were going to be next in power but then you took that chance away."

"I don't give a fuck, I already killed 3 of them and there still going at it trying to knock me down!" Yoongi yelled, sitting back down with a loud huff.

He was beyond annoyed.

Yoongi was well aware that running a mafia wouldn't be easy, but he didn't expect it to be so aggravating.

Blackvelvet was an all female mafia that was pretty powerful, but not as powerful as Crimson or Hope, and now they have been going after Yoongi's mafia since he basically became second in power.

He didn't know what would get these bitches to stop, to finally stay far the fuck away from his mafia.

Until an idea dawned on him, it would force him to swallow his pride but if this next thing he was going to try didn't work then he'd have to at least consider it.

"Seonghwa," he called, instantly getting the males attention.

"Yes Yoongi Hyung?"

"Get Ji, I need to know her opinion on an alliance with the HOPE mafia."

Hoseoks mafia is the most powerful in most of Asia and an alliance with them would ensure his safety. He has tried to deal with these girl's on his own and it hasn't worked, which is the only reason he's even considering one because he could have done it before he and Hoseok had sex.
I just don't want it to seem rushed, time as passed for the two.

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