🌹72 ~ Alliance

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{Double Update}

"He wants to have a meeting?" Hoseok questioned, Momo nodding once more at her bosses question.

"Yes, Suga wants to have a meeting with you, sir, to discuss a potential alliance between the two mafias," she stated, moving her black hair away from her face as she continued, "he would like it to be today and has a specific location where he would like you two to meet in an hour."

"He's so demanding," Hoseok muttered, "fine, fine, tell him I'll meet him at the location in an hour."

Momo nodded, "yes, sir," she exited his office to send the right hand the message.

Hoseok chuckled to himself, "this should be fun."


When Hoseok entered the area he was told to meet Yoongi at, he didn't expect to see the white haired male with another guy practicing fighting techniques.

Yoongi looked over at Hoseok with a smirk, then looked back at his trainer, "Thanks for today Songguk, you're dismissed."

The younger mafia boss grabbed a towel and wiped the sweat from his forehead, "you're a bit early."

"Out of all places you tell me to meet you in a gym?" Hoseok questioned, crossing his arms.

Yoongi rolled his eyes, "It's apart of my house, you just walked in through the door that led here. Follow me."

Hoseok did as told, following Yoongi into an office. It had black walls with accents of white, his desk in the middle with a white, gold embroidered, chair behind it.

The orange haired male took a seat in one of the chairs across from it. "Now, you want to form an alliance with my mafia?"

Yoongi nodded, "There is this female mafia that will not quit trying to take down mine, the main reason being I took their chance from being the second most powerful mafia. I've tried multiple things to try and get them away from my mafia, but nothing seems to work-"

"So your last resort is forming an alliance with my mafia, since it's the most powerful?" Hoseok inquired, crossing one of his legs over the other. Yoongi sounded, and looked, incredibly sexy as he spoke and it was having its own affects on him.

"Exactly," Yoongi said, purposely playing with the dagger he had given Hoseok in front of him, "now I'm not an expert on how this whole alliance thing works but I'm sure it'll do something."

"What's the mafia name?" Hoseok asked, ignoring the fact that Yoongi was playing with the dagger he had once gifted him, Yoongi sighing as he said.


Hoseok nodded knowingly, "I've dealt with them before, but that was years ago. They have a new leader now, who, I've heard, is way more annoying."

Yoongi chuckled, "well you've heard correctly, she doesn't give up."

The white haired male looked over at Hoseok, who was just staring at him. Yoongi gulped before breaking the tension, "so, how does this alliance thing work?"

Hoseok shook his head to snap himself away from his thoughts, "When two mafias form an alliance there is a contract that needs to be signed full of rules they have to follow. No attacking each other, can request help whenever needed, can deny help whenever needed, things like that. Usually, the mafia bosses get something that resembles the alliance permanently besides the contract."

"Like a tattoo?"

"Well the bosses choose, I guess if we're going to do this then sure it can be a tattoo," Hoseok shrugged, agreeing to what Yoongi chose.

He still couldn't believe that Namjoon and Taehyung would end up being right at the end of the day about an alliance between their two mafias. As Hoseok began getting trapped in his thoughts, Yoongi continued to speak, Hoseok only breaking out of it at the last part of what he said.

"... and you can get a music note colored in red to represent mine, sound fair?" Yoongi asked, having not noticed Hoseok zoning out completely.

Hoseok nodded, even though he didn't know what he said before, "yeah sounds fair."

Yoongi called YoonJi to bring in the contracts, Hoseok signing first and then followed by Yoongi. The next thing that would make their alliance official would be the tattoos to represent it, then they can start forming a plan on how to take down Blackvelvet.

"This time we'll meet at my office to make the plan, make sure to have the tattoo done in the next two days," Hoseok told before leaving, Yoongi bidding him a farewell before going back to doing his own things.

As Hoseok walked to his car, he couldn't help but mutter, "why in the hell did I ever let him go?"

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