🌹6 ~ I am the boss

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When Yoongi got home, he most definetly did not expect to see the guy he bumped into, sitting on his couch playing with a fucking dagger.

"Who the fuck are you?!" Yoongi shouted, the black haired male only smirking at his reaction.

"Look, I don't want any trouble and dont want to be here longer then I have to be," he began, standing up from his original position, "but i need that hard drive."

"I already told Taehyung and NamJoon that I don't have it, so get lost," the mint haired male scoffed, the black haired one raising an eyebrow.

He chuckled, "then how come I saw you playing with it on your way here?"

"You're watching me?"

"I was," the black haired male shrugged, stepping closer to Yoongi. "Now give me the hard drive, it has nothing to do with you."

Yoongi hesitated before making his next move, which may or may not screw him over, "finder's keepers!"

The mint haired male ran but was quickly stopped by a rough force pulling him back by his waist, out of all places, his waist. The black haired male sighed, Yoongi able to feel his hot breath on his neck.

"I don't want to do this the hard way, Yoongi, just hand over the hard drive, it has nothing to do with you," he warned, feeling Yoongi tense up against his chest.

"Y-you know my name?" the mint-haired male stuttered, the black haired male chuckling once again.

"I do, now hand over the hard drive."

Yoongi shook his head, "why can't the boss come get it himself, why does he keep sending his minions."

The black haired male now laughed out loud, leaning closer to Yoongi's ear, and whispering, "I am the boss."


In the end, Yoongi ended up handing over the stupid hard drive, angry at himself for submitting once the man revealed he was actually the boss of the 'Hope' mafia.

After he gave the drive back, the male left without another word, though he wore a satisfied smirk on his god-like features. Now the male found himself in Jin's apartment.

"Damn, was he hot?" the blond questioned, Yoongi having just told him about his meeting with the mafia boss.

The mint haired male nodded absent-mindedly, "he was, but seemed like a real asshole."

"Isn't that your type?"

Yoongi threw a grape from his bowl at SeokJin's head, yes, assholes were kind of his type, but that changed a while back. All he wants is for someone to take care of him, and not treat him like a piece of shit, show him that he is worth something.

"Shut it Jin, and, did you find out where Taehyung has been these past couple years?" the male desperately tried to change the subject, and thankfully it worked.

"Well, he's actually part of the 'Hope' mafia with NamJoon, under the name 'V'. Guess that's he was an asshole to me the last couple weeks of our relationship," SeokJin shrugged.

"But you two became friends in the end?" the mint-haired male questioned, Jin nodding once again, confirming Yoongi's question.

The two sat in a comfortable silence, in the end watching a movie in SeokJin's room. However, Yoongi kept becoming distracted, not able to focus on the movie in front of him, he just couldn't get the feeling of that guy's hands on his waist out of his head.

He doesn't know why he felt so, comfortable.


Hoseok was beyond pissed off at the moment, his vision blurry as he tried to control the furry that ran throughout his blood. The hard drive was wiped.

The information that was once on it was completely gone, which is why Hoseok found himself in his gym, punching his punching bag, trying to release all the pent-up anger he was holding in.

He was interrupted, though, by NamJoon walking in.

"Hyung, what do you want us to do?" he asked, guilt coursing through his mind as he asked his boss.

"Call Jackson, tell him we need his gangs help again, and this time he gives me that drive, and if he can't get the information again, then he tells me his source. Got it?" Hoseok inquired with a glare, NamJoon nodding before walking away from his boss to do his task at hand.

The black haired male shut his eyes, taking deep breaths as he did. His thoughts went to the beautiful mint haired male, his pale cheeks, and cute button nose, but Hoseok knew these thoughts needed to stop.

He couldn't get close to anyone, not again.

TaeNamJin is in this story, and so will Jikook, and I'm honestly not that sorry if you don't like them. This story is for YOONSEOK its about YOONSEOK, with side ships. So I deadass do not want to see any comments bashing the ships, you can have your opinions on them but I honestly do not care to hear them.

Thank you.

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