🌹60 ~ I knew

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NamJoon immediately shot the people who were in the other side, not because they were innocent, but because they had weapons ready to hurt him and Jin. 

After the male knew the people were dead, he looked to Jin with an apologetic expression, "I'm sorry baby, hopefully Hoseok, or we, will find him soon."

The blond elder only nodded, walking with his boyfriend to try and find his best friend.


At first, Yoongi didn't recognize the person that had opened the door to come and save him, in result, he threw the ball he had right at their face. 


He recognized the voice though, instantly, and boy was he surprised to see Hoseok there. One, to save him, and two with orange hair. 

Hoseok glared at Yoongi, "Instead of sitting on your ass, can we get going? We need to get you out of here."

Without saying anything, Yoongi nodded, though when he tried to get up, it proved unsuccessful. His body was still aching and bruised from the beatings he has received over the past couple days. So, his body wouldn't be running anytime soon. 

"I-I can't," he told, trying not to whimper from the pain. 

Hoseok sighed, he looked out of the door, quickly tuning in his earpiece before grabbing Yoongi bridal style and running out of the room at full speed, hoping not to fall as he did so. 

Even if Yoongi didn't want too, he wrapped his arms tightly around Hoseoks neck while the elders grip became tighter, but not tight enough to hurt him. As if Hoseok was trying his best not to have the male in pain. 

"Do you remember how to shoot a gun?" Hoseok asked the male as they came to a stop, he looked down at Yoongi, who slowly nodded. 

Their faces extremely close to one another. 

Hoseok nodded, "good, you're going to get on my back and shoot my gun at the people who are most definitely going to get in our way, got it?"

Yoongi nodded. In less than 15 seconds, Yoongi was on Hoseok's back, his left arm hooked around Hoseoks neck to keep himself from falling, Hoseok holding onto his thighs tightly, and his right arm extended out with the gun in his hand. 

The elder continued to run out of the building, Yoongi shooting the gun at anyone who was trying to get in their way, Hoseoks leather jacket wrapped around him to keep him from getting hurt from any debris. 

Once they got to Hoseok's car, the orange haired male placed Yoongi inside, taking the gun out of his hand. Yoongi relaxed in the interior, putting the seatbelt on as he just breathed, not even flinching when he heard the gunshots. 

Soon, Hoseok got into the car, putting his seatbelt on and locking the door. "Hold on, because I'm not going slow."

Yoongi just shrugged it off, letting his body jolt back at the speed Hoseok was using. 

"I got Yoongi, and we're leaving now, blow this shit to bits," he spoke into the ear piece, swerving onto one of the roads leading to the main one to get out of the area.

"Copy that, thanks again for the help Hope," he heard Ji's voice thank. 

Hoseok ripped out the ear piece, throwing it in the glove compartment and continuing to drive. 

When he glanced over at the mint haired male he has missed he expected to see him sleeping, only to find Yoongi staring out of the window. 

He chuckled, "Quiet, that's new."

"I don't regret hitting you with that ball for one second," Yoongi muttered towards Hoseok's comment, still staring out of the window. 

Hoseok chuckled again, "no thank you for saving your ass for what, the hundredth time?"

Yoongi now snapped his head towards Hoseok, his eyes narrowing as he said, "I didn't ask for your help."

"You're right," Hoseok nodded, glancing at Yoongi before looking back at the road, "your sister did." 

"I wonder why," Yoongi muttered, "probably because you're a big bad mafia boss, huh?"

"No," the orange haired male stated, his gaze never wavering from the road, "I mean, I am, but it was probably because she knew I am in love with you." 

Yoongi thought Hoseok had messed up when he said 'am', instead of 'was'. Which caused him to say, "Was, you mean."

"Am, Yoongi I meant what I said," Hoseok told, still not looking at the male, "It's hard to stop loving someone."

Tell me about it, Yoongi thought, rolling his eyes slightly. 

"If you really loved me, you would have listened to me when I told you about Haechan, and how I WASN'T apart of that fucking mafia!" the mint haired male cursed, growing angry as he thought about it. "Hurting me for days because your ignorant ass didn't want to listen to me, letting our relationship-"

"I knew," Hoseok spoke over Yoongi, "after you left I knew, even before NamJoon told me about it," he admitted, leaving Yoongi's mouth agape. 

"Y-you knew?" he questioned, Hoseok nodding, "You fucking knew!" he now yelled, Hoseok not even flinching. "You let me stay hurt for fucking days?!"his chest was heaving from his anger and hurt, he was trying to keep himself calm, which wasn't working.

"I was going to hurt you Yoongi, the day I find out about your siblings, I didn't know you weren't apart of it, and I was going to hurt you if it wasn't for NamJoon. Even after I figured you didn't know and weren't apart of it, I knew I wasn't good for you," the elder explained, turning onto a road that would lead him over a long bridge to get back into Seoul. 

"WHAT GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO DECIDE WHAT IS AND ISN'T GOOD FOR ME!" Yoongi shouted, tears brewing in his dark eyes, he was hurt, more hurt than when he and Hoseok ended things in the first place. 

Hoseok sighed, now entering the bridge, "Me, I did, because I knew I wasn't." 

"That still-"

Before Yoongi could finish his sentence though, an intense pain came to his right side, Hoseok swerving. 

A car had just, purposely, crashed head on into Yoongi's side of the car, the blow strong enough to cause the car to head straight into the river that laid beneath the bridge. 

Both Hoseok and Yoongi's lives flashing before their eyes. 

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