🌹33 ~ Temps de tuer

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When Yoongi woke up the next morning, he didn't really expect to be in Hoseok's arms. 

Yoongi stared at Hoseok for awhile, the mafia boss looked so peaceful. Yoongi knew for a fact he was falling for the male, he loved his smile, he liked how Hoseok acted like a tough guy and was perceived that way by the outside world, but when he was home, he would actually be a cuddly bear when he wanted to be, and could be so sweet. 

Hoseok made Yoongi feel safe, protected, and most importantly wanted. Though he did know it was dangerous to fall in love with someone like Hoseok, and he knows for a fact Hoseok is still a bit closed off with him. Yoongi still not knowing certain things about the male. 

He didn't notice that he was touching Hoseok's face until he felt the elders hand wrap around his wrist, Hoseoks eyes opening slowly. 

"Morning, sweetheart," he said, his voice a bit raspier since he had just woken up, Yoongi finding it incredibly sexy. 

"Morning," Yoongi replied, unknowingly blushed. 

He was in Hoseok's shirt, having his own boxers on. Hoseok was only in sweatpants, shirtless. As Hoseok got off the bed and stretched a bit, Yoongi saw his tattoo, the one Hoseok didn't like people touching. But he got too. 

"Hoseok," Yoongi called out, said male turning to look at him. 


"Why do you let me touch your tattoo, the one on your back?" he asked, the elder thinking for a moment before replying. 

"I trust you, i only let people I trust touch it." 


"Jungkook what are you doing here? It's-" Jimin looked at his phone, "eight in the morning."

Jungkook shrugged, "I can't come to visit my boyfriend?"

"I never said that, dummy," Jimin chuckled, pecking Jungkook's lips before letting him inside his apartment. 

Jimin walked over to the kitchen, "so what do I owe this pleasant surprise?" 

Jungkook chuckled, sitting down on the stool near Jimin's kitchen, "I just wanted to see you, haven't gotten to in a bit, and I missed you." 

The elder smiled fondly, walking over at Jungkook and caressing his face lovingly, "I missed you too."

Jungkook connected his lips with Jimin's, his hands holding onto Jimins petite waist. Jimin pulled away first, pecking Jungkooks lips once more before walking to the fridge. 

"How is that case going, by the way?" Jimin asked with total innocence, making it seem like he only wanted to know because he was curious. 

When in reality he was checking up on how close Jungkook and Dara were to taking down the mafia. 

Jungkook shrugged, "Sandara is very tactical, right now she's trying to figure out a way to get a hidden cop into the mafia, but she still hasn't found where that Hope guy is, when it's not that hard since most of the time mafia's meet in one certain place all the time."

No they don't, Jimin thought, placing the orange juice on the table. 

"Well have you told her that?" 

"Multiple times, she insists they don't. But she's actually pretty close to finding when the next meeting is, atleast, that's what she told me," the brunet said, thanking Jimin when he handed him some banana milk. "I just want this mafia taken down, they're all bastards who kill innocent people and use others weaknesses against them to get to power, it's disgusting!"

Jimin's breath slightly hitched at what Jungkook just ranted, Oh, if only he knew. 

"The people aren't always innocent," he muttered.

"What was that Minnie?"

"How do you know the people are innocent?" he asked, sounding annoyed, "what if they are not. Do you think people in mafia's really want to be in them, that they woke up one day and said 'Hey I'm going to join a mafia'?"

Jungkook was a bit taken aback by how Jimin seemed to lash out on him, "Hey," he stood up, walking towards Jimin, "baby why are you so peeved about this?"

Jimin took a deep breath, composing himself, "I'm just saying," he said, not making eye contact with the younger male, "you don't know the people who go into them, you can't just say they're all bastards." 

Jungkook chuckled, hugging Jimin close to his chest. Jungkook knew Jimin hated when people judge others without knowing them, so he assumed this was one of those types of situations. Jimin breathed in Jungkook's cologne, loving the way the younger smelled. 

The elder's phone suddenly vibrated, both their heads snapping to its direction. Jimin quickly grabbed it, looking at the text message that came from Hoseok. 

Temps de tuer

The text read 'time to kill' in French, Jimin knowing very well what that meant. They were going to go after CLC's gang, get rid of them once and for all. 

"Sorry Kookie, but I have to start getting ready for work," Jimin pouted, Jungkook chuckling, he kissed Jimin's pouty lips.

"It's okay baby, I have to get going to go meet Sandara anyway," he dismissed. 

Once Jungkook was gone Jimin let himself breakdown, he didn't know how long he'd be able to protect the love of his life and try and warn Hoseok of what was going to come his way. His mind screaming at him to let Jungkook go. 

What do you think Jimin should do?

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