🌹45 ~ Didn't Know

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"Just give it to me NamJoon!" Hoseok shouted, beyond frustrated with his right hand, who just held the hard drive away from his grip. 

NamJoon refused to hand over the hard drive, he wanted Hoseok to listen to him first. He knew when Hoseok saw the twins, specifically Yoongi's siblings, he would jump to conclusions. 

"No, Hoseok, you need to listen to me first," NamJoon stated, wanting to warn the male before hand so he wouldn't act based on his emotions and would actually think and act rationally. 

Hoseok glared at the purple haired male, "NamJoon, I'm warning you right now, give me that fucking hard drive before I punch you in your dimpled face."

Before NamJoon could protest again, Hoseok took the hard drive out of his grip. The elder went straight to his computer, inserting the hard drive and waiting for it to load. NamJoon standing there with fear evident in his eyes. 

Once he saw Hoseoks gaze shift to one of darkness, one full of hatred and anger, he instantly knew Hoseok saw what he did an hour ago. The black haired male yanked the hard drive out of his computer and got up to leave his office. 

"Hoseok, wait!" NamJoon tried to stop him, only to be aggressively pushed out of the way, Hoseok exiting. 

NamJoon had no other choice but to follow him. 


Hoseok almost ripped the door off its hinges when he entered his penthouse, scaring Yoongi half to death. 

"You fucking bastard," Hoseok spat, walking intimidatingly close to Yoongi, the younger practically running away from him. 

"Hoseok, what the fuck is wrong with you?" he asked, in an almost yell, trying to get the male to stop chasing him around like a predator trying to catch its prey. 

Hoseok scoffed, "don't try and act innocent, you fucking knew Haechan was going to die!"

Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows, "what are you even talk-"

"Your twin siblings! They own the fucking mafia that killed Haechan! You were fucking in on it!" Hoseok shouted, Yoongi's eyes widening.

This was news to him, he didn't even know Ji and August were mafia bosses. 

"Hoseok," the younger tried to reach out to the male, only to have his hand pushed away, "I didn't even know they owned a mafia!"

"Sure you didn't," Hoseok scoffed again, "Mark was right. You entered my life, met Haechan, and suddenly he's fucking dead at the hands of your sibling's mafia, and then you want to tell me you weren't in on it? That's fucking bullshit you lieing tramp."

Yoongi's blood now burned with anger, his eyes raging. 

"You really fucking think I have been with you this whole time, for my fucking siblings?!" he screamed, "I pratically fucking hate them! Wouldn't I have left once Haechan was dead!"

"Not unless you wanted something," Hoseok countered, "you're fucking using me, aren't you?"

"Are you on fucking crack?" Yoongi asked, "I didn't know Haechan was going to die, I didn't know about my siblings being mafia bosses! I didn't know jackshit!" 

Hoseok's chest heaved up and down, the male completely heart broken, "Just get the fuck out, I don't want to hear anymore of your bullshit."

"Hoseok, are you fucking kidding me?" Yoongi exasperated, pissed at the fact Hoseok didn't believe him, "After all this bullshit i've been through with you, you really fucking think I was in on whatever the fuck my siblings were doing?!"

"Wheres the mark, huh?" Hoseok suddenly asked, getting closer to Yoongi, "where the fuck is the mark that proves your with them?"

Hoseok grabbed a hold of Yoongi's wrists, the male burning Yoongi's pale skin with his grip, "Hoseok let me go!" he screamed, trying to get out of the mafia bosses hold. 

Yoongi spit in Hoseoks face, not comprehending what he had done till after he saw the expression that over took Hoseoks features. It had to be one of the scariest things hes ever seen. Hoseok looked like he was ready to kill him. 

Suddenly, Yoongi was on the ground with a very pissed off Hoseoks on top of him. As Hoseok raised his fist, ready to punch the living daylights out of Yoongi, the younger felt Hoseoks weight off his body. 

NamJoon had pulled Hoseok off of Yoongi, helping the younger male stand up. 

Hoseok looked between Yoongi and NamJoon, "Get the fuck out, both of you. Yoongi, don't bother coming back."

"Hoseok-" Namjoon tried to cut in, only for Yoongi to interrupt him. 

"Don't worry," Yoongi muttered, tears threatening his eyes as he rubbed his wrists, "I won't."

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