🌹35 ~ Dangerous

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"Oh my gosh! Thank Namjesus you both are okay!" SeokJin shouted when he saw NamJoon and Taehyung enter the penthouse to come get him. 

He hugged them both tightly, Joon and Tae cooeing at their princess. 

"Did you just say Namjesus?" NamJoon questioned, Jin nodding with a smile. 

Though confused, NamJoon just chuckled, he pecked Jin's lips, Taehyung doing the same afterward. 

"Ready to go baby?" Taehyung inquired, Jin nodding.

Hoseok walked in after the two, Yoongi thanking every mythical being he was okay, though he did in that his head instead of out loud. Hoseok only watched NamJoon, Taehyung, and Jin's interaction, finding it cute. He looked over at Yoongi, who was watching his bestfriend with a fond smile. 

The mafia boss only smiled, "Get out of my house," he told the three males, Namjoon playfully scowling at him. 

Momo had left right when she knew Hoseok was back. 

"Were off, bye Yoongi!" Jin shouted, glaring at his bestfriend as he went, Yoongi knowing exactly why he was. 

After they bid there farewells the Kim's were gone. 

Yoongi looked over at Hoseok, who was taking off his gloves, "How'd it go?"

Hoseok looked over at him, "went well, you won't have to worry about them anymore. Tomorrow i'll bring you back home and you can go back to uni again, since you've been gone for-"

"What if I don't want to leave?" Yoongi blurted out, not comprehending what he said, and when he did, he slapped his hands over his mouth.

Hoseok furrowed his eyebrows, "what did you say?"

"Nothing!" Yoongi dismissed, "I'll start packing!"

Before Yoongi could run away Hoseok grabbed his wrist, "you don't want to leave?" 

Yoongi stared into Hoseok's hazel eyes, trying to look for some way to get Hoseok to let him go, but he knew he wouldn't find one. SeokJin already told him to just fess up his feelings, what really could be the worse that could happen? He would be leaving anyways, so if Hoseok didn't return the feelings then he would just leave.

"I-um," the younger was stumbling over his words, Hoseok's gaze burning into him, "I like you," he finally breathed out, Hoseok's grip on him loosening. "I know you don't return the feelings and I-I know I shouldn't because it's dangerous and shit, but I do."

When Yoongi finally made eye contact with Hoseok, he saw that the male just had a blank expression. "Like I said, i'll start packing."

Yoongi moved his arm away from Hoseoks grip, going to his own bedroom which he hasn't really slept in since he's gotten to Hoseoks place. He shut the door to his room, going to sit on his bed. Yoongi pulled his knees to his chest, embracing them as he hid his face in his knees. 

He knew Hoseok wouldn't return the feelings, and now he just regrets saying anything in general, he should have just left and let the feelings fade over time. 

"So stupid!" Yoongi whisper shouted at himself, "so stupid," he repeated, hitting his head on his knees. 

"You're not stupid," he heard a voice say, Yoongi snapping his head to the door way where Hoseok stood. 

His hair was damp and his clothes were changed into something more comfortable. He was biting his bottom lip, staring at Yoongi.

"I don't want you to leave," Hoseok confessed, walking closer to Yoongi, who was staring at him with wide eyes, "and I like you too, sweetheart."

Now Yoongi was smiling, a very big gummy smile, he got up from his bed, practically jumping into the elder males arms. He connected his lips with Hoseok's, both of them smiling into the kiss, Hoseok holding Yoongi up by his thighs.

When Yoongi pulled away he leaned his forehead on Hoseoks, still smiling widely, noticing that Hoseok was smiling his gorgeous heart smile. 

"I didn't think you liked me," Hoseok said, looking at the mint haired male, "that's why I didn't say anything, when, in reality, I wasn't going to let you leave that easy."

Yoongi laughed, kissing Hoseok again. Hoseok began walking to his bedroom, eventually placing Yoongi down while their lips were still connected. 

"You know being with me is going to be dangerous, right?" the mafia boss questioned, looking down at the younger male beneath him. 

"and you know I couldn't care less, right?" Yoongi countered, Hoseok smiling before kissing Yoongi again, this time biting down on the male's pink lips. 

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